Bad day

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All four lovers were in bed and the clock read 2 a.m. Sam and Spike were arguing with each other, in their spot in the middle. Ed groaned and rolled over as Greg did the same thing. “What's the problem you two?” Ed asked. “Sam won't stop kicking me.” Whined Spike. “I'm not kicking you, jerk.” “One, Spike you know I hate whining and two, Sam don't call him a jerk.” Ed sighed. “Sam your going to switch with me and Spike switch with Greg.” They did as they were told with a gruff. Luckily they had the day off. “It's going to be a long day, huh.” Said Greg. With that all four fell back into a peaceful sleep. They stayed like that for another five hours. When they woke Spike was in a much better mood, Sam however was not.

Ed began saying the plans when Sam rolled his eyes and huffed. “Is there a problem, Samo?” The only response from the young blonde was another eye roll. Ed stepped close grabbing his upper arm, “Do we need to have a little talk before we go?” Sam knew what he meant but didn't care and just tried yanking his arm but the grip was to tight. Ed turned to his other two lovers and said “excuse us.” Greg gave a knowing look and Spike gave a sympathetic one. Once upstairs Ed dragged the blonde to the bedroom and sat on the bed dragging Sam over his thighs. The younger sniper struggled in the olders grip when a sharp swat landed on his jean claude bottom before being bared. “I don't know what's going on with you but the attitude better stop. Understood?” When no answer came Ed titled the blonde slightly and began swatting the sensitive spot. “I said DO...YOU...UNDER...STAND” each word punctured with a hard spank. “Yes sir” whimpered Sam. “Good”. His ass was bright red at this time. Ed helped him fix his clothes with a hiss when it rubbed. Together they walked down the stairs to Spike and Greg. Taking two cars they headed to the store.

At the store

Ed and Spike split off to go get the groceries while Greg and Sam went to get everything else. “Why don't we split and I can get half the list?” Sam asked. “No. We are going to stay together” “but why” Sam whined. “One, knock off the whining and two, because I said so Sammy. If you don't stop I'll pick up where Ed left off” “screw you” Sam mumbled. “What was that Samuel?” “Nothing”. Greg stopped and turned so he was face to face with Sam and grabbed his arm. “What. Did. You. Say?” Greg growled. “I said screw you” “we are going to talk when we get home.” The rest of the shopping was done in silence. At the end they met up with Spike and Ed. They were talking and laughing. Ed spotted them first and when he saw Sam pouting he raised an eyebrow to Greg. Later Greg mouthed.


Once everything was put away Greg went to Sam and pushed him towards the steps with a hard swat. Sam walked up the steps with his head low knowing what is coming, Greg not far behind. Once in the room Greg propped his leg up at the end of the bed and wasted no time pulling Sam over, his feet and hands dangling above the floor, and pulling his pants and boxers down. Swat after swat was landed on the upturned butt turning it a light shade of red. “I don't know what's going on but this attitude of yours needs to stop.” Salty tears fell onto the floor below. Small whimpers can be heard as the spanking continued. After another minute or so later it finally stopped. Sam was openly crying not caring. Greg rubbed circles on his lower back trying to calm the blonde down. It took half a hour before the tears stopped and Sam stood up. He was pulled into a tight embrace from the negotiator swaying back and forth. “You want to tell me what's going on?” Only the shake of a head was felt against the older lovers shoulder. “Okay, okay.” By the time they got back downstairs Spike was finished with making dinner, it was only about 5:30pm but all were hungry, especially Sam. Dinner consist of small chatter and laughter. After it was cleaned up Sam decided to lay down for a while. Next thing he knew Spike was trying to wake him up. “Samtastic wakey wakey” a groan was the only response, so Spike crawled into bed and pressed kisses all over the blonde. “Leave me alone Spike.” “But Saaaammmmmy” “leave now”. Spike reached down and swat Sam hard a dozen times. “Now Sammy, tell me what's wrong.” “Nothing. Now leave.” Spike was not taking that for an answer. He reached down and started spanking Sam. He kept going until Sam started to squirm. “TELL. ME. NOW.” “Okay. Please stop.” Sam whimpered out. Unknown to either, their older loves were in the doorway watching it all. “I.. I just wonder if sometimes this relationship would be better without me. Maybe you guys would be happ..” before he could finished he was roughly pulled from the bed. “If we felt that way, we would have kicked you out long ago. Don't you ever say that again. Understand me Samuel?” “Yes sir” though it didn't sound convincing. Three hard swats landed on Sam's sore ass. “I mean it Samuel” a pair of blue eyes were meant with another. Sam was pulled into a passionate kiss then passed where he got three swats and another kiss from the bomb tech. Finally he was passed again this time receiving a dozen hard swats and a long kiss from the negotiator. All four cuddled on the bed with the two younger ones in the middle of the older ones. Spikes hand was gently rubbing Sam's red ass. “I guess you finally understand now Sammy?” “Oh trust me, I understand.” “Good.” Everyone went to bed happier that night.

Next morning

The alarm went off at four in the morning letting the four know it is time to get up for work. Ed and Greg got up but the younger ones barely moved. “You get Sam, I'll get Spike.” With that the bald sniper and negotiator leaned over and roughly kissed the two then smacked their ass. “Ow.” “What the hell?” They said. “My ass still hurts.” “Good let that be a reminder. Now come on, we have work.” Everything was going to be alright.

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