we care (part one)

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Spike was leaning against the locker lost in his mind when he heard someone come in. Not looking up he knew who it was. “We need to talk.” “There's nothing to say Wordy.” He turned around to look at the older man who he considers an older brother. “I think there is”

3 hours earlier

“Team One hot call” Winnie voice boomed “Shots fired at Hill Park. One gun man.” “Thanks Winnie. Alright Team One gear up” Sergeant Greg Parker said. Three black SUVs went zooming down the road holding the SRU team. “Jules you're sierra one. Sam sierra two. Wordy tactical. Lou less lethal. Spike in the truck”. The team leader, Ed Lane, called out. On scene everyone got into their position waiting for more information. “Subject is Gerald Jackson, 24 years old, fiance just left him and was recently laid off. He may be unstable guys. It says he suffers from major depression and have tried killing himself before.” Spikes voice came over the comms. “Alright, this guy isn't looking to hurt anyone, but this might be an attempt of suicide by cop.” Sarge said. “Gerald my name Is Sergeant Gregory Parker from the Strategic Response Unit, I would just like to talk. Do you think you can let her go?” “I just want it all to stop. No one cares if I'm here or not.” “I care, let's just talk okay? You and I, you don't need her.” No response came. “Boss, let me talk to him, I might be able to help. I know where he's coming from.” Spike said. Ed, Greg, and Sam shared a concern look for their younger teammate and lover. “Alright Spike.” Spike stepped out of the truck to face the young man, “My name is Michelangelo Scarlatti, but I go by Spike. I know how you're feeling.” “No you don't.” “See, but I do. I know what it feels like to feel like no one cares. Sometimes when I think about my team I think about what it would be like if I wasn't on it.” “Spike” Greg sighed. “Maybe I'm the weak link and they don't need me. But they showed me, they showed me how I belong. Though i don't always feel it they are there for me” “even in some ways I rather them not be.” Spike chuckled. His three lovers smirked knowing what he ment. The two older lovers correct their younger ones in a way that they remember. Everything was resolved quickly after that. Spike was pulled into a tight hug by the two snipers and negotiator.

Back at the barn

“We all care about you Spike and we'll do everything to make sure you know it.” “I know Wordy” however it did not sound convincing. “What would Ed do to make sure you know he cares, or even Sarge or Sam?” “You know what they would do..” “Yeah, and I'll do it too, to make sure you know how much I care too. Understand?” “You wouldn't” Spikes eyes narrowed. “Wouldn't I Michelangelo?” Wordy raised an eyebrow walking towards Spike. He gripped the younger man's arm and pulled him towards the bench that sat in the middle of the room. In one quick move Wordy pulled the younger man across his thighs. Wasting no time he yanked Spikes jeans down leaving him in only his boxers. Raising his hand Wordy brought it down hard. “Kevin” Spike whined squirming. Wordy just repeated the motion for a few minutes before lowering the boxers to mid thigh and continuing the spanking. “Okay I get it. Please Wordy.” Spike was now crying over the older man's lap. The only response was being tilt forward and getting a dozen or so hard swats to the sit spot. “I care Spike and if this is what I need to do to show you, then I will. You are part of this team and part of this family. Am I clear, or do we need to continue?” “It's clear.” “Good.” After three more swats for good measures Wordy fixed Spikes clothes and pulled him into a hug. “Come on. Let's get out of here.” With an arm swung over the shoulder they left the barn.

Home (aka Greg's house)

“Hey bud, how are you?” Ed asked as Spike walked in. It was clear the younger man was crying. “I'm okay. Me and Wordy were talking.”  Spike squirmed as he tried sitting. “He made sure I know he cared.” Ed smirked. As they talked Sam and Greg came in. “So Wordy made sure Spike knows he cares, now do we need to make sure you know we care?” With a blush Spike said, “No I get it” “Good.” The two older lovers turned to the blonde, “Do you feel the same way Sammy?” Sam only shrugged. “Huh maybe we need to show you. It's been a week since you had a last good spanking, maybe it's time.” “Oh hell no.” Sam went to stand but was instead held down. Ed, with a quick swift move, pulled Sam down over his lap. Yanking his pants and boxers down, the spanking began. Ed was not holding back, gripping the blondes hips tighter as he squirmed. “Okay Eddie I get it.” “Oh I know you will” and for the next five minutes swats came down as well as tears. Ed finally stopped but instead of fixing Sam's clothes he passed him over. Sam didn't even need to look up to know what was happening, he was being passed to the other older lover. Greg locked Sam's legs with his own and turned the light shade red butt into a dark shade of red. The squirming became more intense as did the whimpers. Another five minutes went by before the negotiator stopped, once again he was passed down. “Please Spikey, don't.” Whined Sam. The bomb tech answered with a hard swat. “Sorry Samtastic, this is for your own good.” Laughed Spike. And for the next five minutes the assault continued. Finally it was done and Sam was sat up, kicking off his clothes not caring. Three passionate kisses later and he was sitting on the negotiators lap. “Hey Eddie, maybe you want to make sure Wordy got the message across.” Sam said wickedly. “Good idea, Samo.” And the process started again leaving the bomb tech in tears. “I'll get you back Sammy.” Spike now sitting on the older snipers lap leaned over and kissed the blonde on the lips. All was good with the lovers.

The next day

In the briefing room sat two squirming men faces red as a tomato matching their butts. “What's up with you two?” Lou asked. “They both know they belong here” Ed smirked. “And we will always make sure they know. Sam, I think we might need to talk too.” Wordy said. “I'm good”. “Wasn't a suggestion.” Sam turned to Ed and Greg looking for help. “Sorry Braddock no help here.”

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