Ed in trouble

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Greg was furious. He was beyond furious. ‘What the hell was Ed thinking? That's right he wasn't.  Going against a direct order, he better be happy he didn't get hurt. At least not yet, when he gets here I'm going to kill him myself.’ Greg thought to himself as he paced. He stopped in his track as he heard laughter coming from the living room down stairs. The sound brought a small smile to his face and for a moment the almost forgot why he was mad. Then he heard, “Oh, hey Eddie, Greg's upstairs in the room waiting for you.” “Thanks Spike.” There was something in his voice, he almost sounded fearful. ‘Good’ Greg thought, ‘he should be’. “Hey before you get killed, can I get a final kiss?” Sam said, causing Greg to chuckle, leave it to Sam to want something. “I want one too.” Whined Spike. “You both will get a kiss, and no this will not be the last.” Greg decided to stand at the bottom of the steps to watch. He was in time to see Ed pull Sam into a kiss, it was gentle but firm. Then he let the blonde go and grabbed the bomb tech, pulling him into a kiss and gave a harsh slap on the ass. “Ow. What was that for?” “No whining.” Greg laughed letting his three lovers know he's there. “Alright, you two” he said walking to Sam and Spike, putting a hand on their shoulders, slightly pushing them towards the door,  “out. Don't think about arguing either because you're leaving one way or another. It's up to you if you want to leave with a sore ass or not.” Spike knowing not to push it continues walking to the door. Sam, being his hard headed self, stopped. “Really Samuel, you're going to test me?” Greg said to the blonde. “Come on Samtastic, you know you don't want to do that. Let's just go. We can go to the Goose or something.” “Alright, alright I'm going.” He said with his hands up. Greg smiled giving Sam a push towards the door with a sharp smack on the ass. Once the two younger lovers were gone he turned to his other one. “Look Greg, I know I messed but I did what I had to.” “You went against a direct order and could of gotten hurt.” “But I didn't, I'm okay. I'm still here.” “And I'm going to make sure it stays that way. Let's go upstairs and talk.” “I'm not Sam or Spike, you can't put me over your knee and everything will be okay.” Ed all but shouted. “You're right, you're not. But I sure as hell can still put you over my knee. Now let's go.” Greg grabbed Ed's arm and started pushing him towards the steps smacking his ass with each step. And they stung.

Ed was pushed down onto the bed and when his ass made contact he hissed in pain, damn that hurts he thought. And it's only the beginning. Wonder if this is how Sam and Spike feels. He was pulled from his thoughts as Greg began speaking again. “Do you have any idea how worried we were, how worried I was. Huh? We had no idea what was happening in there, that's why you were told not to go in.” Greg began pacing back and forth. “What about Spike? Could you imagine what it would have done to him. How broken he would be. And Sam? Don't even get me started on him. After Matt.. he would hide it until he broke. He would become distant and closed off. We could lose him.”

Ed felt like he was hit by a ton of bricks, Spike, oh Spike. So innocent. So big hearted. He would be crushed, broken. After losing his dad and his mom going back to Italy, that would break him.

Sam. Oh, Sam. Don't get him started. The guilt the blonde would feel, the blame he would take. He would close him off, insisting he was ‘fine'. Probably get drunk and cause trouble. Might even take a gun to himself. Shit, he thought about it after Matt, what would he do if I died. He's a soldier first, no emotion would be shown until it's to late. We would lose him to himself.

Greg didn't say anything, he knew Ed needed time to think about everything. “I really messed up huh?” “Yeah. Yeah you did. But like you said you're still here. Now let's get started on the next part. Stand up and drop your jeans and boxers.” Greg said. “Wait, you're really doing this?” “Yes. Now do it before I grab the belt.” “Please, I understand. You don't need to do this.” “That's it I'm grabbing the belt. Your pants and boxers better be down by the time I get back over here. Understand?” Ed did as he was told not wanting it to be any worse, he can still feel the sting on his ass. If it was Sam or Spike, they would have been over their lap long ago. By the time Greg returned, with the belt in hand, Ed was standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed and Greg sat where Ed previously was. “Alright Eddie, get over. And I won't say it twice. Hell if this was the other two I would have blistered their asses already, you would have too.” Not wasting time Ed laid over Greg's thighs. Greg started with his hand, turning the pale butt pink, then he grabbed the belt. A quick swish was heard then the pain felt. This continued a few more times. “Next time you better listen to the orders. What would you have done if it was Sam or Spike?” Without waiting for an answer, Greg continued, “you would probably used your hand, then a brush and then a belt. You pull something like this again, that's exactly what I will do to you. “Understand?” “Yeah.” The spanking resumed, now mostly focused on the sit spot and thighs. Ed began to squirm and tears slid down his cheeks. “Almost done Eddie, five more.” Five quick swish, the hardest ones yet, came down. The negotiator gently rubbed the other man's back and ass. “Come on, get up.” Ed carefully got up and laid next to Greg on his stomach of course. “The other two should be home soon. If I'm lucky I won't have to blister their ass too.” “Good luck with that, those two together are trouble.” They both laughed then faced each other. Greg leaned down and kissed Ed, “I love you, you know that right?” Ed kissed back and smiled. “I know. I love you too.” They cuddled for a while until they heard the front door opened. “Should we go see them?” Greg asked. “Nah, wait until they come up.” They didn't have to wait long for the bedroom door to open. “What the hell happened to the two of you!?”.... “About this, someone is in the living room that wants to speak with both of you.

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