Chapter 8

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This evil has the potential to make the events made by Sauron look like a sugared dream. What could come is truly something I never want to live through.


My body trembled as I ambled along the worn dirt path. Early this morning, while the sun had still slept behind the horizon, my light had exploded on me again. It was like a circling dog; it didn't know when to stop. A few weeks of traversing these lands and every time, a few hours after I had eaten, my light grew and it fought to shower everything in its luminosity and power. Though, the intensity of the episodes seemed to decrease, the light settling more within me. Every time it happened, it was like my body got used to the sudden well of power in me, recognized its might. Or maybe I was learning to control it.

I shrugged.

I was certain, though, that my body was getting used to its presence. Today, it's unleashing had been a little more violent than usual—hence my shaking—for I had skipped eating the previous day. It seemed that my being had almost forgotten the familiarity of the light in its short absence, so when it returned, my body retaliated and couldn't reign it in.

Interesting. I grimaced, adjusting my grip on my bow and shouldering my pack so it sat a bit more securely.

Thinking about it, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cloth bundle. Unfolding it revealed a handful of plum-purple berries. I hesitated before popping one into my mouth...

Are they poisonous?

But I thought of this morning again, how it felt like my very being was being ripped from me and how I had no control over the harmful power.

Without pausing, I shoved a few in my mouth.

Well, they taste like desert...

That's gotta be a good sign.

Nonetheless, I waited a few minutes for any signs of illness before plopping more on my tongue. Before I knew it, my stash of fruit was gone and I was licking my fingers, checking my pocket for more.

Another reason not to eat: you eat and just want more.

I laughed though. Oh, how ironic! Just a few weeks ago I wouldn't touch food and now I'm searching the depths of my pockets for it!

I shook my head, a soft smile on my lips as I admired the path around me. The ground had just thawed out from this morning's frost and the trees no longer held any leaves. Their bare branches stretched overhead, caging in those on the worn path.

My lips turned downward.

Why does that disturb me so much?

I sighed, mentally shrugging, and continued to sweep my attention across the path. The mountain sloped dramatically upward on either side of me, trees seemingly growing at an odd angle so they could grow towards the sky. My elven ears picked out the scavenging of a squirrel, heard its tiny paws scamper through fallen leaves, then its teeth scraping against some fallen morsel. A bird chirped merrily in the trees, calling for its partner to come home. A moment later there was the ever soft flap of wings against a bird's body as tiny feet clutched onto a high-above branch. The dead twigs in the air clattered together as a cold gale rattled their ranks. I could even hear the soft murmur of a creek, moving along at a fast pace before the freezes could attempt to stop its flow.

A multitude of footprints lay encased in the recently muddied path, now dried. I wasn't skilled enough to make out how many people had been through here or if it was at the same time or not. There was a set—maybe two—of hoof prints. It could've been from a horse, cow, or donkey. Judging by the long, thin tracks amid the array of feet, I could guess that the animal was pulling something heavy.

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