Starry Night

16 1 0

Agust PoV

He was feeling weird.
He wanted to understand how this worked. He was scattering through his brain searching for a plausible explanaition but there was nothing.
To his dislike he felt the strong urge to talk to her. A lot. Ask her a million questions. She was the first person. The only person he could really talk to. The feeling, the urge to really talk to someone was so unfamiliar that he nearly gave in. But he kept quiet. He didn't want to be a burden. Or annoy her with his chattiness. He didn't know her after all.

Following the instructions they finally reached their destination. Her living complex. He let out a sigh as he pulled over.

She had been awfully silent for the last minutes.
He had probably scared her off already. That's what always happened.
When he had brought the car to a stop he put on one of his best fake smiles and turned over to her.

To his surprise
she was crying.
Not the ugly full-on red face snotty crying. There were just a few tears cascading silently down her cheeks while she was looking out of the window.
His smile dropped as quickly as he had forced his features to form it.
"What's wrong?", he couldn't not ask her this question.

"I.. I don't.. it's nothing.", she replied quickly snapping out of it and secretively wiped her cheeks while managing half a smile.
He wanted to keep asking and reassure himself that she really was fine but again held back not wanting to be invasive.
He hoped the silence would make her talk but as it didn't he let out yet another soft sigh and opened his seatbelt.
Gentleman that he was he got out of the car and surrounded it to open her door. Taking a shaky breath she looked up at him. He saw the light of the stars catch and reflect in her eyes. It was the most beautiful thing he had seen in a long time.
She stepped out of the car and when she got up he noticed that he was still holding on to the door which captured her inbetween him and the car.
She was standing pretty close involuntarily but she didn't seem to mind so he just stayed exactly the way he was not daring to move a single muscle in fear of disrupting the moment. She just looked him straight in the eyes.

Then, slowly she reached out her hand until her fingers were hovering in front of his lips again.
"Say something.", she whispered.

"Something.", he replied wanting to facepalm himself instantly.
She chuckled silently.
Then she took another step forward almost closing the space between them and her finger met his lips.
He felt a shiver go down his spine accompanied by a tingling sensation like electricity that made his heart skip a beat. He was standing totally still not able to move if he wanted to, if his life depended on it.
He was still looking into her eyes admiring her eyecolour, feeling like he was falling.

Then she pulled back her hand. He gasped for air and blinked while she was still looking at him. Observing.
When she seemed to have come to a conclusion she finally spoke up: "This is the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. You..", she started
but when she saw the look on his face she quickly interrupted herself. "No. no.. I don't mean to say that you are weird.. fascinating would be better.. astonishing .. remarkable.. marvelous.", she was searching for words.

"Now you are exaggerating.", he smirked giving her a forgiving look which made her sigh in relief. "I just think that.. that.. this is a very unique.. connection.. thing.. and I would like to know how it works.. and I'd actually like to ask you a million questions right now..", she stammered looking down at her feet.

When she looked up meeting his eyes again there was a determined look on her face. "Do you like coffee?", she asked.

this sucks. i'm sorry 🙈

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