Away from Alex....

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Can you believe that your not gonna see Alex.....

      1st day in a shelter....

You finally arrive but you don't cry so it doesn't make you seem weak to the rest of the girls there.

Your pov

Why does the world hate me, what is so awful about me that I don't get anything right anymore.

I miss him so much... he was a good guy, and I lost that.

End of pov

A girl walks right into you

?- Excuse you bitch, do you need glasses.

Y/n- No, maybe you need some manners...guys don't find that shit cute but by your looks I figured they never liked you to begin with..

She storms off.

A different girl walks up to you.

?- Sorry about Ona, she isn't nice to newbies.  I am Desiree by the way.

Y/n- What's her deal.  And my name is y/n

(D= Desiree)

D- She has been here the longest because her parents abused her.

Y/n- Karma sucks doesn't it?

Desiree walks away.

The head lady walks you to your room, and look it here you share with ona!

The director introduces you to all the girls including ona.

(hm= Head mistress)

hm- This is ona, desiree, leilani, malu

Y/n- Hi

O/D/L/M- Hiiii welcome!

You unpack the stuff they let you keep and you saw Alex's hoodie, you tried so hard to keep the tears in and not to think about him and how he made you feel.

Dinner came by shortly after.

O- Damn y/n is such a pig *rolls eyes and laughs*

You then smack her which turned into a fight.  You broke her nose and gave her a black eye she gave you a busted lip and a bruised cheekbone.

You tried to call Alex after answer.

voicemail: Hey it's Alex I will call you back when I get the chance *laughs*

Y/n- Hey baby it's y/n, I miss you...your embrace, you perfectly soft and full lips, those dark brown eyes, and that smile that lights up the whole world....I love you, call back when you get the chance... *voice gets teary* bye Alex *hangs up*

You go to your room and cry for it seems to be hours... ending up to be the rest of the night.

        -The next Morning-

You had like an hour of sleep which made your eyes look like this.

You had like an hour of sleep which made your eyes look like this

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Nobody seemed to care that you looked so depressed.

Your pov

Is Alex blowing me off? Is this his way of showing me payback? Is he having an affair?

End of pov

Dinner goes by again but you don't eat because your not hungry.

After dinner you try to call Alex again.


Y/n- "Alex oh my god your okay!"

A- "Yeah who is this" ?

Y/n- "Um it's y/n"

A- "y/n"??

Y/n- "Do you remember me" ?

A- "Remember you? I've never met you".


                                         To be Continued.....

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