On the road with dad...

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You get in the car and see photos of you,  your mom, and dad. 
Y/n- Why did you leave me...
Y/d- Is that what your mom told you?
Y/n- Yes
Y/d- That's not what happened
Y/n- Then what did happen
Y/d- Where are you headed to anyways
Y/n- California, now stop trying to change the subject
Y/d- Why were you all the way down here then?
Y/n- Long story.
Y/d- California is a 4 hour drive, I'm listening..
Y/n- So basically mom found another guy and so we moved in with them.  He had a son and he was fine.  His name was Alex he- made me feel what love was like and we knew it was wrong but we slept together.  While mom and Alex's dad were driving and got into a car accident but I didn't notice the calls til the next day to find out mom passed.  But of course Alex's dad made it.  Alex and I had a disagreement the next day at school and I ditched not knowing Alex would follow me so after I was at Chick-fil-A Alex drove us home.  He was listening to sad music so I kissed him which turned out into a make out session, we got to into it not realizing his dad saw us.  Alex and I talked about it later that night but never came across the fact he saw us.  At dinner Alex's dad brought up how he saw us and that he was sending me away to CPS. That's how I ended up all the way over here and I escaped from the shelter because I called Alex he doesn't recall ever meeting me and I think his dad might've had something to do with it.
Y/d- Damn girl you've been through so much shit just for 1 guy?
Y/n- He isn't just any guy he is the guy...my guy, I want it to stay like that forever.
Y/d- Your only 17 how can you know what love is..?
Y/n- If you've had your heart broken as much as I have you would understand the difference of love and affection towards someone...
Y/d- You can't handle love.
Y/n- I've made it 17 years without you...I think I can manage a lot.
Y/d- Good point..😕
An hour later you arrive to the house.
Alex's dad isn't home, but Alex is.
You go up to the door and ring the bell.
No answer.
You were hopeless so you started to walk away until you saw Alex open the door.
Y/n- Alex! *runs up to him and hugs him*
A- Um hi strange girl
Y/n- Alex...
A-How do you know who I am?
Y/n- Because I love you... Don't you remember when we used to fight about you loving me but I couldn't because your dad and my mom were together.... maybe this will refresh your memory..
You kiss him..
The kiss lasted forever.
A- y/n, how did you get out?!?!?
Y/n- Baby you remember me!! 😩
A- Of course they wouldn't call it love if it wasn't memorable....😙
You hug him so tight..
Y/n- Let's get out of here.
A- My dad will be back soon..
Y/n- It's your 18th birthday tomorrow you can leave... be with me.
A- Let's go
Alex packs some stuff and runs down to the stairway.
You both run to the truck you sit in the front while Alex sits in the back with his stuff.
A- y/n who is this?
Y/n- It's my dad no worry Alex
Y/d- Oh so this is Alex, the guy I've been hearing about so much. *grins and laughs*
                    End of Story💓

Step Brother Troubles..😍 BlesivTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang