Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OC

58 3 2

1st OC (Part 5)
Francesca Vitalievna
17 years old. Olive, with freckles here and there. 5'4", with a good strong build, toned. Beautiful features (Russian/Italian/Greek). Few scars tatter her body.
She wears, regularly, a brown leather jacket and some good old 90's mom jeans with two large holes in the knees. She wears converse. When she boxes, she wears green and white boxing shorts and a white sports bra, and red boxing shoes that represent Italy.
She is a laidback girl who is a little on the pissy side all the time. She gets bored easily, and is always tired or aching. When she is in the ring, she gives hell and nothing less. She will quite literally go bezerk if tempted. Hot headed.
Loves to eat a lot of food, and be active. Usually find her not at the Gang's meetings, but in the boxing ring practicing or competing, jogging around the beach, or eating at a restaurant. She also loves dogs, and rabbits a whole bunch. (Crushin on Mista a lil bit, ain't gonna lie)
When she wasn't born, her mother moved from Russia to Cyprus, where she met Francesca's father. They flew to Italy and had Francesca, then got married. Francesca's father wasn't around much, but when he would, they would rough house and run around and work out. Her father always wanted to be a boxer, up until he died when Francesca was 10. Francesca always snuck to the gym to have her father's old friend coach her in boxing. Soon, her title grew slowly, but she had the determination. When she wasn't in the gym, she was in her catholic school, and paid attention to no one. Currently, she still fights, and she is out of school. Bruno found her while practicing in the ring, and thought that she had what it took to be a member of his gang.
Her stand is Let's Dance. [i cant think of an ability lmao]

2nd Oc
Lucille Tarragon

20 years old. Southern European/Roman features. Many, many scars. Olive skin, short thick (unkempt) dark brown/black hair and gold eyes. Athletic build, but her legs are engineered prosthetics (metal/robotic. Y'know? The legs you'd find in kingsmen.) And her right arm also.
She's a lone wolf. She will only let Bruno and Abbacchio talk to her, and that's it. Could warm up to someone, but it's very hard due to the internal conflict she has with herself.
She was born into an average family. She lived in the city, and was neighbors with Bruno's Mother. She would always stay with Bruno's mother after school until her mother got home. Soon, Bruno's mother talked about Bruno, and gave his address to Lucille. They had become penpals for years; they'd send each other Polaroid photos of cool places they went to, and even give each other little knickknacks. Sadly, they had drifted apart after some controversy between the Bucciarati family. Lucille would always wait at the P.O. Box for a letter, but none came. Soon, the day came when she would loose most of her limbs. She was the bright age of 18–smiling, laughing, being a teen. Lucille was in training to be a police officer so she could help the people who needed helping (and finally ask the woman with the loud dog to shut it up.), and met Abbacchio at some lectures. She would jog and work out and study all day. That was, until, a drunk driver came barreling her way and hit her. She was in fatal condition, her family worried, and so was Mrs. Bucciarati. She was unconscious for a month, and finally woke up to most of her limbs being missing, and the last one terribly scarred. She couldn't achieve her dream of being a police officer, or do anything to that matter. Her parents, after paying the medical bill and more money for rehabilitation (whilst using medical marijuana for the pain), couldn't pay off anything. Her mother and father had 2 jobs each, and lived solely off of supermarket spaghetti. Finally, 1 year later, she received a letter from Bruno, telling her to go to the prison and meet with Polpo. Yada yada yada, completed and got a stand! After that, she wasn't so bubbly anymore. Just an insomniac who spends her days drinking cafe coffee, and making prosthetics. She just can't stop the use of her medical marijuana though, and gets in arguments with Bruno for it a lot. Her mind is just a lost battle.
Blitzkrieg Bop

Her stand manifests in her prosthetics, giving them speed and power

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Her stand manifests in her prosthetics, giving them speed and power. She doesn't have control of them, which is her stand's downside, so she will usually find herself arguing with her prosthetics. If her prosthetics are broken, her stand will manifest very weakened and try to fight.
•mac n' cheese
• watermelon
•rural areas
•sparkling water
•Abbaccio and Bruno
•Alcohol (due to spite and it just tasting really gross)
•Drugs (though she's trying to get away from her own)
•horror films
• anything remotely loud or scary
•people who won't mind their own business
• Trish (She's too needy)
•Opossums (ugly little things)

Oc #3:
Elizabeth "Bet-Jet" Smith
A smooth and bubbly 20 year old chick from America, Betty enlisted in the Air Force when she was 17. Having been from a small town in Pennsylvania, the move was big and unsettling for her, due to being a female. With brown hair and dark brown eyes, she looked at her job with an open mind. Now she ranks Private-First class after her 3 years. She had gotten into a dog fight with a German Messerschmitt Bf 109, which shot her plane down. She was hurt, but an Italian farmer helped her, who was supposedly on a safety line. There she was shipped to a woman in Venice who, unbeknownst to her, was Lisa-Lisa. Before Lisa-Lisa, she was at a convent. It's only a matter of time until she can go back to the United States.

 It's only a matter of time until she can go back to the United States

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(I know I suck at drawing leave me be)

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