Hetalia OC

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Chanel-Avice Sainte Montbenoît
Nickname: N/A (whatever you come up with?)
Country (Micronation): Saugeais
Age: (Since country's establishment) 73, (representation) 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'5"
Appearance: Natural tweed brown hair, shoulder length and wavy, however usually kept in a bun. Deep blue eyes. Medium-fair skin, along with a slim hourglass feature. She has some freckles as well. Normally wears contacts, but secretly has round gold-framed glasses. Has quite a few scars hidden, due to being located on the French border (conflict and such)
Personality: She's quiet, yet a hard worker. She's thinks more reasonably, and is organized. Very scholarly, however, isn't too social. More of a private person herself. (Maybe gives off Pam from The Office vibes)
Nyo: A thin, tall, handsome male with a suit that has patches on the shoulders. Sports a button up, some black slacks, and brown shoes. Gold frame glasses, and modest hair.
2p: Blonde hair, black iris', seems more emotionally frail. Her hair is longer. Not sure what to make her wear.
Neko: A brown tortoiseshell cat, very soft fur.
Casual outfit: a black over-the-knee pencil skirt with a flowy white blouse tucked in. She wears black flats (normally walks around in white sneakers for comfort), and a grey sweater over it. She's always business casual. She will usually sport around her brown messenger bag.
Formal: Black pencil dress, along with black flats, along with a sweater. (And thats on modesty)
Pj's: A grey sweatshirt, along with black shorts. She'd usually be wearing her glasses at this point, and possibly have her hair down.
War: The last war she would have been in was WWII, however, she still was a part of France. So, French military clothes will do just fine.
Swimsuit: Usually doesn't go swimming. Nonetheless, she'll wear her black tankini along with a sweater.
Backstory: She wasn't always a micronation. Chanel was a budding pianist, having played since she was young, and grew up assisting her community. By 18, she gave up piano competitions to help the younger children learn. There was Annalise; a young girl who recently moved from Beaune who also showed an interest in piano. The two got close as Chanel taught everyday. Soon, Annalise was quickly taken away from Chanel during the war, heaven gaining another angel. Though Chanel had guilt surviving, she finally broke off of France as her own colony just by a man's joke turning into a real country. She believed that joke, laughing and recovering after conflict, is what makes her nation so great.
Family: Cyr and Séraphie Montbenoît (father and mother); deceased since Chanel lived on.
Crush: Germany maybe
A/A/N: None
Other: Helps France pick his attire for formal country meetings, and will do his hair. Keeps the sheet music for "Carmen" by Bizet on her piano (which is hidden in an locked office) since it was Annalise's favorite piece for Chanel to play for her.

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