4 - Secret Date Part 2

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Liza's POV

I know it's just a fort but I haven't smiled or felt like this in forever. She is just wonderful. The way she has this confidence in herself and can make me laugh until my stomach hurts. I feel butterflies when I'm around her. I won't call it love, yet. I just want her to stay forever.

"Do you really like it?" Shay said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I love it, it's perfect"

"Your perfect" she mumbled thinking I couldn't hear her.

"What? Say that a little louder for the people in the back"

"I hate you," She says beginning to tickle me

"St-stop p-please! I c-can't take it!"

"Fine. You're lucky I'm a sucker for you"

I blush hard at that comment. She smirks at me making me blush harder if that was even possible. She stopped tickling me making sigh in relief and trying to get my breathing back to normal. I stopped and just started to admire her beautiful body. Her long black hair, her godly shape, I wish I could just rip those clothes off and--

"And what? Don't be shy it was just getting to the good part." She said sitting on my lap eyes darkened with lust.

"N-nothing I was just, um.... daydreaming about....what I should do when I get home. Rip off my clothes and take a shower,"

"Without me? Am I not sexy enough?" She says taking off her shoes.

"No, I-"

"Am I too good?" She says removing her jacket.


"Babygirl that's a yes or no question, so yes or no"

I didn't know what to do or say or how to feel. But what I did feel was wet enough to say-


"Good, let's go hop in shall we."


Inside I was shaking and not in the way I wanted to be. I was afraid of what was gonna happen. I was also afraid of what might not happen. I'm thinking too hard. (Hard😏) I just need to stop maybe I should just breathe and let it happen. I'm an idiot. Stop overreacting. Nothing bad will happen unless you trip or drop the soap.... actually drop the soap on purpose.

"You ready? You seem to be thinking pretty hard(😏) over there." Shay says interrupting my thinking. I'm not complaining, I couldn't really she already taken all of her clothes off so...

"I'm ready absolutely."

"Then don't just stand looking beautiful, although you do that very well." Is she trying to make me blush and get wet at the same time, well we are getting in the shower so, I guess so.

We get in the shower and it's a pretty big shower but I don't think she really cares. She just keeps making me even wetter by the second every time she "accidentally" rubs against me or helps me wash my back and I hear her whisper "damn".

~~After the Shower~~

I really don't want her to leave but why be clingy you just showered with the girl, come on.

"Do you think I can stay over, I don't really feel like going home?" Shay asked.

"Sure. My parents won't be back for a while so why not."

"Cool. Btw nice body, I looked a lot better soaking wet but I like this angle too."

"Oh, um th-thanks," I stuttered blushing like crazy.

What is this girl doing to me?

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