5- The Morning After

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Shay's POV

I turn over in bed staring at the beautiful girl in front of and feeling the flood of memories from the night before surround me. I look and see she's still asleep and just fall even harder for her. Even when she's not talking she's still making fall for her. Why can't I quit admiring her, I mean I can see why she's absolutely gorgeous.

I look behind me at look at the clock realizing it's 11 and I have a full day planned. I turn back over to wake her up and see her staring at me with the same loving eyes I gave her a few minutes ago. I kiss her forehead and tell her good morning still admiring her beauty.

"Good morning, I see you slept well or did you just stay up and stare at me," she says making me blush bright red.

"I slept fine, you know you were staring too right,"

" Yep, I was thinking about how you must love me looking at me for that long." She wasn't wrong.

"Maybe... you'll never know, beautiful"

"I'm not beautiful I don't have makeup on yet."

"You don't need it, princess."

"Don't call me that, we won't leave this house if you do"

Maybe I don't want to leave the house, I thought.

"Well too bad we are leaving, princess"

As soon as I say that she tackles then straddles me, looking flustered and lustful. Her eyes got dark and started looking at my lips while licking her one. She looked like she was gonna devour me if she stayed like that any longer.

"Let's go, beautiful," she says getting off of me.

"Do we have to go?"

"Weren't you the one that was rushing me earlier, or was that your twin."

"Fine whatever."

We got up, took a shower, brushed our teeth and got dressed. Well, I got dressed, she decided to tease me while she got dressed knowing I was looking.

Shay's Outfit

Liza's Outfit

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Liza's Outfit

Liza's Outfit

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Liza's POV

I love teasing her, she brings out a whole new version of me I've never felt before. Jeez, I need to stop falling so fast but I just can't, she's so perfect and beautiful. She's everything I never even knew I wanted.

"You alright, kitten," she says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"


"Well, why think about me if I'm already here?"

"That's all I ever do lately."

"You could start doing me if you want."

"It'd be an honor, but we have to go, so not right now, but don't think I won't tease you."

"Fine, but can we go now"

"Where are we even going"

"You'll see beautiful"

She's so gorgeous, I wish she was mine. No one going after her, just me and her being us. She's so perfect, how is she so perfect. I can't make anyone feel the way she makes me feel.

~~Time Skip~~

We were in the car laughing, talking, listening to songs, well not really listening more like screaming the lyrics until someone looked at us so we yelled the lyrics louder. I'm guessing we were close to the destination because she made me tie one of her shirts around my eyes so I wouldn't see anything.

"If you're getting me a dog, get ready for lots of baby talk," I said, making her laugh.

God, her laugh is infectious, so is her smile. She's so adorable when shes grumpy or when she's screaming lyrics at me, or doing anything really.

"How about you hush and I do what I want, " she says, being her adorable but smug self.

"Are you sure I can't know anything about what's happening right now?"

"You can know it's a surprise!"

I decided to stay quiet for the rest of the ride and while we were in utter silence she slowly slid her hand on my thigh, making my breath hitch a little as she slowly moved her hand closer to my heat. Then right as she stopped the car and moved her hand all the way up, right on my heat she says...

"We're here cutie."

Why does she love to tease me so much?

She lead up to the door and told me to take my blindfold off and I immediately knew where were I just didn't know why?

"Well, are you gonna open the door or what, " she said.

I open the door to meet the amazing people I go to school with surrounding me with cameras and cute birthday hats and I realized that they finally found out.

"Happy Birthday, " they said as I was lead to the kitchen with this big cake that said happy birthday in whipped cream frosting.

"Thanks, guys but you know how I feel about my birthday."

"We know but Shay insisted that we do this, " Scotty said.

"Jeez, dude don't be a snitch. "

"Thank you, Shay"

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