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After Yoongi and Taehyung entered the Car, they asked the driver to drive them to Hoseok's apartment.

"Hey *Hick* can y-you take us *Hick* to this address *Hick*" Taehyung showed him the address, it said XXXXXX DR. XXXXX, but little did they know that Jungkook was their Ouber driver.

He saw the older and he wanted to squeal inside like a little 13 year old girl, though he knew Taehyung didn't know who he was. Jungkook has been stalking Tae ever since he saw his Instagram pictures. He instantly fell in love with silver haired boy, but the reason was something personal that Jungkook would never tell anyone not even Tae.

Jungkook was abandoned by his family. Well this is how it started, Jungkook was a mistake to be honest his parents accidentally made him. It wasn't their intention to have another son. He was that cum shot his mom should have swallowed, why? Cause he was a little psycho since birth (no hate on you Gukk I love ya) he killed the baby birds on his backyard tree, he smashed his brother's head on to the side walk concrete floor. (He was 5)

He pushed his baby cousin off a swing which caused him to die, he did it again but luckily his cousin fell into a coma and not their death (he was 5 1/2). He was then given to his next door neighbor. He 'accidentally' stabbed the neighbor's daughter with a knife in the hand while playing the knife game (He was 6). He was then sent into foster care. Which didn't end up going well ether.

He stole one of the employee's keys and got inside her car (he was 7) he then almost ran over 3 people. He was stopped but wasn't charged since of course he was a minor. The employee however was charged for leaving Jungkook Unsupervised. When Jungkook was 13 he tried to burn one of his foster parent's house with them inside. When Jungkook was 17 he caused one of his classmates to die but this time it was really on accident.

Jungkook was jumping off and climbing really high bridges and his classmate tried to do the same but she didn't survive.

Jungkook was jumping off and climbing really high bridges and his classmate tried to do the same but she didn't survive

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That high for example. Jungkook did try to save her but he wasn't strong enough. The reason he fell in love with Taehyung was because he looked and acted like her, Kim Jiyeon (not her real name)

 The reason he fell in love with Taehyung was because he looked and acted like her, Kim Jiyeon (not her real name)

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