My Scarf (Chapter 7)

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“So...before he came here, he's killed people before?" Mikasa questioned.  Petra shrugs, "I don't know much about him or his past life, but all I know is to stay away from him and avoid him as much as possible."

"How did he end up here?"

"He came here when he was around 15 years old.  People thought he had some problems and thought it could be fixed here." Petra's face saddened. 

"But that's when doctors were being killed by him.  He didn't want no one near him.  He killed anyone who pissed him off." She explained.  "He was later confirmed to be the most dangerous man in the world."

"Then why hasn't he gone to jail yet?"

"I don't know.  But I don't want him to go to jail, I want him dead." She said.  Mikasa's eyes widened. 

“Hanji, a therapist, comes over every couple of weeks to try to find out why he's like that.  She asks him questions, but he rarely responds. But when he does, it's nothing useful to get a glimpse of his past”

“So she's trying to figure out, or find out more about him?”  Petra nodded, “But, as always, she gets nothing

After having this conversation, Mikasa found this very interesting, and gets her curious.  But, she believes that she will also not know anything, like the rest of the people who are also curious about him.  

Does he not want anybody to know his past?  Or even why he's acting like this? Is he hiding something?  Does he lack of remorse or what, since he hurts the people who try to help him.

“Moving on…” Petra giggled, “How's everything going?” She asked.  Mikasa snapped out of her thoughts, “Um good. My boyfriend finally got a job” Mikasa chuckled lightly.

“Really, where?”

“At a high school.  He's working as a janitor”

Petra tried to hold back her laugh, “'s something” she says.  

“Yeah” she said.  And they continued on talking.


Mikasa walked down the dark hallway as she headed to her locker.  She put in the code and the locker opened. She took off her red scarf and gently placed it inside her locker.  She didn't want to run around sweating with a warm scarf around her neck.

So, she left it there, later locked it and walked away.  


“Mikasa look!  Butterflies!” Armin joyfully chased around the flying insect.  Mikasa watched from the window as she continued cleaning the dishes.

“Here, let me help you” an old lady offered.  “Oh no, it's okay”

“No I insist.  I've seen you been working hard lately, and I think it's right for you take a small break” Mikasa has been running around the hospital, delivering trays of food to the patients non-stop.  Petra was right, her feet are killing her.

Before Mikasa could deny the offer, the old lady gently grabbed the sponge from her hands, “It's okay sweetie.  Just go sit down and rest for a bit” she said and continued Mikasa's work on washing the dishes.

Mikasa thanked her for her kindness and left the cafeteria to go to the restroom.  After that, she checked the time, it was 3:08 p.m. She decided to go get her scarf before she leaves it here.

As she made it, put in the code, open find out it's not there.  She was taken by surprised as she stared at the empty spot where her scarf used to be.  She looked around the floor to make sure it didn't fall out as she closed it. She bent down and looked underneath the lockers, behind the lockers, nothing.

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