Therapist (Chapter 9)

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Mikasa received her paycheck at the end of the day. She was glad the day was finally over, but she couldn't forget the encounter she had with Levi.

But, she can think about that later. She really wanted to go home and cuddle with Jean who should be home by now. Jean's shift should have ended at 8.

She checked the time: 9:02 p.m.

She gathered her things and left the isolated hospital and went home. When she arrived home, she noticed the lights inside her house were off. There wasn't a single spark of light in the house.

"Is he home?" She thought and continued walking. Once she opened the door, it was dark inside and everything seemed to be untouched since she left this morning.

Mikasa double checked the time: 9:17 p.m. She was still confused. Jean should've been here by now. It was also late and it made Mikasa concerned.

She took out her phone and dialed his number. No response. She continued trying, but no response. She entered the house and turned on the living room lights.

"Where could you be, Jean?" She thought, and quit trying to get a hold of him. Mikasa sighed and tossed her phone onto the couch. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed again.

She tried not to think much of it. The first thing she thought was that he was still working. Probably he was assigned to something that would take much longer than he expected.

However, it didn't make any sense. They wouldn't put someone to work that late. Mikasa removed her scarf and gently placed it on the sofa. She later entered the kitchen to cook some food, and extra in case Jean comes minutes later.

After preparing the food and later enjoying her meal alone, Jean has still not returned.

Mikasa decided to wait for him. She patiently watched T.V to make the time go by faster.

She looked at the time again: 10:01 p.m.

It was getting late and Jean hasn't returned yet. Mikasa did call a few minutes ago, but no response.

She did not want to think the worst.

So, she made the decision to head upstairs and head to bed. She did want to wait for him a little longer, but she had work tomorrow and was tired as well.

When she laid on the bed and turned to the side where Jean always slept, it felt empty. "He must come home sooner or later, right?" She thought.

This will be the first and last time he will do this. So, all the worries and concerns left her mind as she closed her eyes and slept.


Mikasa slowly opened her eyes and realized her alarm was buzzing like crazy. She looked at the time: 8:05 a.m.

Her eyes widened and quickly got up. She had overslept due to her waiting all night for Jean. Speaking of Jean, apparently, he did come home.

She turned her head to see Jean sound asleep in bed. Mikasa didn't even realize he was sleeping next to her. She didn't even hear the door open at night.

Mikasa was going to wake him up and make him explain everything, but she was short on time and had to get ready.

She did her morning routine, took a shower, changed, and prepared her lunch. She grabbed her car keys and headed out the door.


As Mikasa entered the building, heading to the cafeteria as usual. She was nicely greeted by Petra, along with her husband Oluo.

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