1 | The Birthday

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Hello, again!!
Loooong time no see. Thank you for all the support on Infinity. I owe you.
I love you for visiting here.

(In case you haven't read, do read Infinity)

This one is a simple book without Science and Weird Viruses and Lots of Characters Flooding in.

A mystery.

# Her POV #

( The Freaking Birthday )

"I Hate This!" I was tired of screaming for the past hour.

"You're leaving next month and this is your last birthday here. So, please, please let us celebrate this at least, with peace and without your unnecessary tantrums!" They were going to every extent with those puppy faces!


The so-called 'Birthday Hat' was hurting near my forehead and the snow shit they sprayed all over me was getting stickier by the minute.

"To all the successes that will come in her way and of which we will forever be proud of!" They raised a Coke over this. Kriti's parents were home tonight. Riya had clear rules, 'No alcohol when parents are home'. Her past with us and alcohol has taught her the required lessons.

I can't believe my eyes right now. I'm in this beautiful two-story bungalow. At one corner is a big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' in balloons. 23 is hanging right next to my name written in glitters on wood! A few weeks ago my life wasn't this fancy and today? I had to smile for this one!

I hated Birthdays, since forever. First of all, you need family and friends to celebrate it and second of all, you need a proper stable life and reputation and everything nice. I didn't have any of it even at 23, but a few months back, at least I gained some good friends!

I was glad I had these girls at least when I'm leaving. They are so different but they have pure hearts and they know what's good for me.

"Are you coming or what?" called Mrina. I had to go! This was the finale. They would break all the eggs they bought today on me and if I moved an inch or made a facial expression, I would be screwed! Those eggs sure did hurt. I was stinking of garbage after 30 eggs. But, it seems I did not move. So, no task for me! They were having the time of their lives.

"I think I should leave." I said, after taking a one hour bath as the stupid rotten egg smell just wouldn't go away! I changed into what Kriti had bought for me as a birthday present. I actually never wore anything this beautiful and exposing before. I always preferred baggy clothes over skin-tight ones, T-shirts over Kurtas, and definitely shorts over pants. This was a dress. It was black, knee-length, skin tight and off-shoulder: all a combination of my 'Never Wear's. My breasts were peaking out a little bit, but in a sexy kind of a way. Decent and sexy. It felt weird. As I didn't have any other choice I had to go home wearing this. Riya had a smirk on her face by the time I was done that she had finally convinced me into this.

Two of the four girls had left 10 minutes back and I got ready to leave.

"Babe please, you have to let me drive you at least today. It's your birthday and you can't leave at 3 o'clock in the night, alone!"

"Please, Ri! It is My birthday and that's exactly why I want to leave alone tonight. You know I can take care of myself, right?"

"That, I know Miss Ayana, but I just don't want you walking alone out there on your birthday night!"

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