2 | The Hoodie

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( The Hoodie That I Saved )

The hoodie was stuck in a small hole in the corner of the brick wall. Probably there was a nail deep inside the hole that snagged the thread of the hoodie. I tried my best to pull it out. This damned dress wasn't supporting me in my task. It was sliding more away from my knees upwards as I bent lower with my phone flashlight trying to figure out the deepness of the hole. It was too low on the ground. I guess it got stuck in that hole when he was being kicked here moments ago.

After a little bit of wrestling and getting small bruises due to the coarseness of the brick wall, I managed to remove the hoodie thread. I tried to get the thread into its place somehow by pulling it from inside the hoodie. I managed half way through, but I failed though! Fuck, this thing had a real good smell from afar. A little chocolaty, a little manly, a little dreamy and a whole lot sexy!

I held the hoodie between my arms and stomach and walked in the direction of the hospital. 5 hours of my birthday was done and I was egg-ified, wore an expensive dress for the first time, saved a strong guy from 4 drunks, got bruises trying to save a hoodie, and now I am going to a hospital. Could it be more perfect?

This was a small and clean hospital. Every time I had something, I would come here. It was comparatively cheap for good treatment. I walked into the reception. The receptionist knew me well by now, especially after I was here every day for two months when Grandpa was admitted due to his heart condition. People here are good people.

"Ayana? You look so different and pretty and God, sexy! What are you doing here at this hour? Are you okay?" Nina, the receptionist, was the sweetest!

"I'm absolutely fine Nina. This is just an after-party effect. I came here for a guy who's hoodie I happen to have. Do you have any clue as to where he is?"

"Hoodie, huh? And, there was no guy who came here since my shift started."

"But, I sent him here. He was wounded badly, his hands were drenched in blood!"

"No one here with that specification came for hours! Are you sure he came here? Give me his name, I'll check."

"I don't know his name. But, he was about 6 feet and had a white shirt on with loose pants."

"And you have his hoodie. Wow."

"Yeah.. it was stuck there to a nail. So, I sent him here for dressing, while I removed the hoodie out of the nail. I don't even know where he is now! How will I give this back to him?"

"Maybe he'll call you!"

"Yeah, right. He has my number. Come on Nina!"

"Maybe he'll figure it out."

"Whatever Nina. I'm tired and I'm going home. If a guy like the one I described comes here, do call me."

"Yes ma'am. Good night!" She came out of her chair and hugged me. "And a Happy Birthday baby girl!"

"How do you.."

"I have your hospital details baby girl, which has a section for Birthdays. I thought of calling you and wishing tomorrow. But, since you invited yourself into my doorsteps, Happy Birthday! Now go and have a happy day."

"Thanks Nina. Ba-Bye."

Where is this guy? How will I ever search for him?

I walked home. The hoodie was still in my hands. I had this temptation I was hiding in for a long time and I couldn't anymore. I held the inside of the hoodie close to my nose.

Holy Mother Of All Good Gods!

It smelled even more of heaven up close. God! My love for scents was eternal. Every scent I ever knew was great and everything, and then there was this scent. Probably, actual Heaven smells like this. I couldn't stop. I had never smelled anything like this, it must be a rare perfume. I stopped half the way and kind of drowned into the hoodie. Weird feelings in weird places started creeping in. I haven't even seen his face but I surely wanted to dig deep into his chest right now just to savour the smell more closely. Ayana, stop!

I straightened myself a little and continued walking, putting the hoodie back onto my half-folded arms. I reached home and took the keys from under the kitten toy that was in the corner of the corridor, my safest hiding place. I opened the door and the house was a mess. My father is the biggest mess of my life.

The only good thing right now is that he isn't here, else there would be another fight. Mom isn't home at all anymore , I've assumed I'm a Mom-less child. Dad is here after his retirement, and I wouldn't believe you if you said he was an ex-army, because he is a high level mess.

"Heya Bubba.. Hungry? Look what I have!" The only thing constant in my life right now is this four-legged creature I brought home after her loss of eyesight due to an accident. An anonymous rescuer brought her to the animal care I worked at during weekends. 2 weeks in the hospital and she could walk again. I fostered her and then smuggled her home since no one in the adoption center wanted a weak, blind, 8 weeks old puppy who's a girl. She wagged her tail upon hearing me open her treat box. She was a chocolate brown, furry thing. I named her Soul. She indeed was the Soul of this lifeless house.

I gave her a treat and her wagging only increased. In the past 4 months of her being here, not once did we feel that she was blind. Also, she is the only living thing in this house who is treated well by everyone, so she is important.

I sat on the couch after I changed from the dress to a tank top and shorts. Like every day, I planned from where I will start the cleaning. Soul was on my lap while I spoke to her.. "..and that will be the last for tonight, we'll do the remaining tomorrow. Let's go!" She dragged the carpets out of the room, I did the broom work and mopping and cleaned the tables and the couch and the bed. This was thankfully a small house with a living room, a kitchen and two small bedrooms. Dad has his all-retired friends group who always hang out here and make a mess of everything!

Wait, What is Soul doing? "Soul, no, that is not garbage.." I went running towards her and took the hoodie from her. Something fell off it- A Note. I hesitated to open it. This isn't right, maybe it is something important and personal to him. But, what if it tells me his identity, I can at least return him the hoodie.

I opened the note. This must be a long one as it was an A4-sized sheet, multiple folded into a small note.

Nandini- with the number.

Thats it?

Just Another DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora