5 | The Guy

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( The Beautiful Parmesan Guy )

"Hello?" he said. He clearly doesn't know me.

"The... You... Do you know me?" I asked. What made me so nervous? Is it the fact that the guy who made me feel things after a long long time due to his exceptionally scented hoodie that I happen to have, doesn't remember me? It's been like what, 8 hours since our last encounter? Or, is he pretending he doesn't know me?

"Do I? Am I supposed to?" he asked, so innocently.

"No!" I said. "I'm sorry!" Probably he isn't Samanvay and just has the same smell maybe. Yeah, that is it. But, the smell is super rare, according to Riyana! Aghhhh! I checked his palms for any wound or whatever that could gave me a little clue. Nothing! He was clean.

I turned around and walked, disappointed, frustrated and above all, angry.

"Hey!" The guy I assumed to be Samanvay seemed to be addressing me. I turned around.

He was! "Yes!" I asked.

"This looks like you." he said, handing me what looked like my drivers' license. Wait! I didn't even know I brought it today, let alone lose it! Also, welcome to my worst picture ever taken.

"Oh, thanks!" I said, sending a confused smile his way.

"No problem!" he said, and walked away.

After getting the remaining things necessary for my cake, I stood in the long line that went all the way to the billing counter.

"Hey, sorry for bothering you." I was face-to-face with the hereby Samanvay-assumed. "I am not getting these two items from my list. Since I know no one here, and the supermarket staff seems to have gone for lunch, could you help me with this? I could stand the line for you later!"

"Sure!" I said. I really didn't mind getting stuck for some more time with the scent of my dreams!

"So, what do we have here? Parmesan Cheese. Well that is a tricky one! They don't keep it with the other cheeses here. Apparently, there is some scientific reason according to the owner here. I never really understood his explanations though. So, I've stopped asking! Come with me."

We walked to the end of the freezers all the way to the ice-cream freezer. At the left corner of the Baskin-Robin set was our search complete!

"You're a saviour!" he said, gleeing sheepishly at the cheese. God! His eyes were a different level of perfection! How is this guy not the yesterday's guy?

"Now, for the next item!" I said and ran to the other side of the store. I liked how he kept up with the speed without complaining or making a face.

"Here it is!" I said. "You want a small or a big pack?" Cinnamon seeds are a must in every normal shopping!

"Small one is cool I guess!" he said.

I handed him a small packet and bid an adieu. The more time I spent with him, the more he seemed like a Samanvay.

We ended up standing at the billing queue together.

"So, earlier..." he started. "... when you asked if I knew you, what did you mean? I mean, looked like you were really searching for me. Everything alright?"

"Sort of!" I said and suddenly went into my own thoughts realising I'd never find Samanvay!

"Hope you'll be alright soon!" he said, with a smile that made my heart dance. He just made my day so much better!

"Yeah, hope so too!" I said with an assuring smile.

After maybe two minutes I don't know why I opened my mouth again. "Don't tell me that the perfume you are wearing is Tokyo!" I said. He was standing very close to me, almost beside me, so I didn't have to turn around to look at him.

"Well, well, aren't you impressive?" he said. So, it was Tokyo and Riyana was right!

"It is Magi Que by Tokyo. I didn't even know people around here knew this scent." He said, genuinely taken aback.

"They don't and honestly until earlier today, even I didn't." I went from cheerful to rude in this sentence! I have no clue why it got me so irritated! The idea of Samanvay, the scent of Samanvay, the Nandini of Samanvay, the Stranger next to me who is not Samanvay! I really need to calm the fuck down!

"Hey, are you honestly okay?" he asked. I didn't have any bloody right to drag him into my shit.

"I am. I am sorry... Umm.. Sir, for the rudeness and the tantrums I have been throwing from that time!"

"I am truly honoured by Sir..." he said, laughing lightly and honestly. I could watch him laugh forever! "... but you needn't call me that! And yeah, you don't always have to be nice you know. It's okay to be rude sometimes. It's okay to be lost and frustrated too! Stop apologising in every sentence, please! It makes me look less of a normal human and more of some alien species who is bred in the lab and hence has no clue about natural human emotions. Also, no one can stop you from doing, saying or even screaming whatever you want on your birthday, right? So, relax!" he said.

"How do you know? The license! Smart!" I gave my wrist for a fist bump and he instantly took it. He is quick!

"Happy Birthday!" he said giving me a muffin. When did he happen to take that? "Also, your Jacket isn't really covering the words on your shirt you know..." I forgot I was wearing this shirt!

"Thank you! My friend made me wear this. But I really can't take this!" I pushed the muffin back to his side!

"Come on! You took your time out of your most precious day of the year to help me and the best I can do is offer you the scientifically proven number one solution for mood swings and stress." He pushed the muffin back to me.

He just makes my day better with every word that comes out of his beautiful mouth. If this Nandini didn't take over my head today, this would be Hands-down, The Best Birthday ever!

"Thank you!" I said, slowly taking the muffin from his beautiful hands. Why is my mind mentioning 'Beautiful' when it sees him like a default switch case. Now, from where the hell did my 0.01% of coding knowledge pop in? What is happening inside my head?

"Hope you like Blueberry!" he said. Blueberry was my favourite! I knew my face was all pink right now as I saw him smiling while clearly staring at my cheeks. My chubby cheeks do have their way of showing the emotions my heart and veins feel especially when the feelings are all happy and positive. I want to become a cocoon right now, and Blush while inside there!

"Absolute favourite!" I said.

"I realised!" he said.

Our turn in the billing queue arrived!

I finished billing my items while he took the muffin to bill it with his things. He was a gentleman in his own beautiful way.

"You stay around here, Ayana?" he asked.

"Yes, close by. And you.." I still didn't know what to call him!

"Sir. For you!" he giggled.

"Yes okay! So, honourable sir, where do stay?"

"Not close by!" he said, giggles still in the air. I suddenly felt like we've known each other for years!

"Then I guess it's a goodbye, Sir!"

"It might be, unless you care to join me for a coffee?" He was smooth!

"What do I get in return?"

"A promotion from Sir to my Name."

"Ahh! I think I'll take it. But, my treat!"


"But first, name!" I insisted.

"Samanvay Kashish."

What The Fuck?

-----i'm rewriting this. hence unpublished other chapters.------------- <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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