4 | That Scent

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( That Fucking Scent )

I couldn't sleep as well as I had planned inside my head. The words "Murder" and "Compromise" kept repeating itself in Nandini's voice. It felt like she was in the room. It was terrifying!

I woke up with a start after I finally got some sleep. It was 10:30 am. Soul was right next to me sleeping as calmly as she could.

I slowly patted her and woke her up. Sometimes, when she is fast asleep, she misses out on me waking up. I took another bath and as everyday, Soul was right there enjoying her share of the shower. She has no idea that people actually get completely naked in a shower and that she casually brushing her soft self towards my bare self just makes it ten times more weird and awkward. It feels like I'm taking a shower with my blanket. But, who would say that to her?

No matter how hard I tried, and how much I ignored it, Nandini kept speaking and speaking somewhere in my deep consciousness. It was so tiring. I really wish I had taken Ri's suggestion of her dropping me rather than drop myself!

The doorbell rang. I had just finished my shower and I had wrapped Soul up in her mouse towel the way she always liked it- Big fat Burrito style! She unwrapped herself and started barking in joy. I instantly knew who was at the door.

"Coming, Ri!" I screamed, as I put on my, 'Its my birthday and I'm not so excited' T-shirt that Ri had bought for me the day before my birthday, looking at how uninterested I was for the coming day-today. She insisted I wear this today.

"11 a.m. sharp!" she said, coming inside with like 28 bags on her head, shoulders, around her neck covering 80% of her body surface area. She looked too damn funny. So, instead of helping her, I ended up laughing for like a minute straight!

"Only today, and I repeat, only today I give you the right to laugh at my deranged state. I do look too funny, no?" she said and we both started laughing and the laughter got louder when few of her bags just couldn't stand any more and started falling off. Due to excess weight on her right arm, she fell right off the next second and we were just drowned in the puddle of laughter and some super excited barks only making it more memorable.

After marking the end of the laughter session, I helped her get up and take the bags inside.

"You could have just taken two rounds." I said.

"Remember, We don't do rounds!" she said in her bitch tone, which sometimes just casually comes out during occasions.

"Breakfast? I was going to prepare French Toast, you know Ana-Style.." I knew she loved it when I did it with extra sugar and added a little bit of honey.

"Fuck, yes!" she said, sitting on the dining table after taking a spoon and a fork and clanking them together and doing the hungry slurp noise. I giggled and continued to cook.

"I am opening and sorting out your gifts, okay?" she said . I nodded. She had an OCD in organising things. I liked organising too, but it wasn't an OCD though.

I finished the Toast and took in two plates, with a layer of bananas finely cut on her plate. Her eyes shined bright as she saw the food.

"The only thing in the entire world I would put aside my salads for!" she was so happy. She started hogging!

She had nicely arranged all the gifts as CLOTHES, PERFUMES and OTHERS. It's funny how Ri was obsessed with a separate category for perfumes everywhere even if there was like only one perfume bottle and something else had more than one. Even I loved scents, but knowledge, I had zero. But, she! She had an exceptional knowledge of perfumes and knew anything and everything about each perfume, including information about the rarest of the rarest! Because of this, even I learnt about some scents that my nose loved and remembered! Yeah, Ri has some of the most unexpected interests like that.

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