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"So you uh what was your life like?" Melissa Asked. "I don't understand." Replied Sasha. "I mean what was your life like before Uwu
this apocalypse thing like?" implied Melissa. "Oh I was a part time barista with my girlfriend, her friend and my cousin. I hardly ever worked though. It was a normal day at work when the girls choreographed a dance they were going to perform. They did great until Emma stopped and they continued. She got p*ssed that they invented another section and she wanted to quit. Some other stuff followed which I didnt know about as I was talking to Paul. All of a sudden she came sprinting to our table holding a coffee jug and the girls followed and it was terrifying. Then Zoey grabbed my arm and I was captured temporarily. I had to bite her arm so I could run to Paul and Emma. We barely escaped with our lives." Sasha explained. "Wow I can't imagine how awful that would be. Well I was at work and for some reason my boss kept calling people in and they came out singing I decided to take a stand. I grabbed a conveniently placed baseball bat in the break room. When my boss called me in I knocked him out with the bat and tried to evacuate the area. I looked for Paul but I couldn't find him. Luckily Bill told me he saw Paul run out of the office to Beanie's. I got him and Charlotte and Ted out of the office then I was dogpiled by those singing fwoops! I hit them all like a bad*ss and ran away. I hid in my house at pine brook for a while and well i met you when i was patrolling." Melissa explained. "Oh wow." Replied Sasha shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked off into the distance. Melissa put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Suddenly Professor Hidgens entered the room, his hair askew, eyes gleaming. Sasha was daydreaming so much she didn't notice Melissa being sedated behind her and dragged off.

A few mins later...

Sasha snapped out of her gaze, looking around for Melissa. She turned around and felt something sharp go into her neck. She felt strange, as though a sinking feeling arose in her stomach, making its way to her brain. She felt extremely tired and immediately fell asleep.


Sasha woke up suddenly after feeling a sharp kick on her ankle. "What...huh?" She said. Once her eyes adjusted she noticed two others tied up in chairs on the opposite side of the room. The professor walked in. "Ah good you're awake." He told them. Hidgens revealed his keyboard that Sasha bought him a few years back. "This guy's nuts!" Yelled Ted. Melissa turned to Sasha. "We have to get out of here." Melissa spoke, her voice shaking slightly. Sasha nodded. "Professor, let us go...please." Begged Sasha. "Im afraid I can't do that Sasha." The professor replied. Sasha felt her anxiety creep up and she began to cry. Melissa noticed this and comforted her. The professor began to sing Show Stopping Number. "We'll kill the reviews," he sang. "Oh just no." Emma sighed in frustration.

A while later

'Greg' and 'Stu' led Hidgens away, to the relief of the others. "We dont have much time," fretted Melissa. "Please god if you save me I promise to be a good person," pleaded Ted.

Suddenly Paul emerged and freed the others. Melissa hugged Sasha and the newly reunited crew ran away from the bunker, to a helicopter Paul spoke about.

A/N: Hey guys sorry this took a while but it's here at last! I just got into Six the Musical it's so good I love it aaahh!! If you like it too then add in the comments of this A/N your favourite song and Wife! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter next one if going to get intense, tysm for all the support on this fanfic it's going well thank you all!

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