Chapter 1

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In this story, three characters undergo name changes due to close friends wanting to be a part of it. (M) Jay will become (F) Kaiyah, Sabby becomes Becky, and (M) Naktam becomes (F) Ailurah.

Moments before the destruction of Kashyyyk...

"Boys, I think it's time to go." Nicolette stated loudly as she looked into the sky.

"What is it?" Erickson asked.

"Let's just say if we avoid more questions, we'll make it out alive." Nicolette replied, speeding out to prepare the Republic shuttle for takeoff.

Erickson looked out the window and saw what she did.

Erickson looked out the window and saw what she did

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"What is it?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah she's right. We need to move, now." Erickson said in panic. He, Rye, and Nikki took off towards the shuttle.

        The shuttle was already warmed up, and Nicolette was in the pilot's seat. Everyone ran to the ship and boarded. Before Rye entered, he stopped for a second to look up at the sky, and he saw it there; he turned back and boarded the ship. The doors closed, and the shuttle hastily departed from the platform.

Everyone sat down and held on to their chairs. "Everyone hold on! I'm entering hyperspace coordinates."

"Outside a hyperspace la- we're still on the planet!" Rye nearly freaked out.

"It's our only shot at the moment." Nicolette shouted

        The Death Star's laser emitted and shot down on Kashyyyk, and the fire blazed all around. The boom rang in their ears, but Nicolette had already pushed the lever, and they entered hyperspace before they were obliterated.

        "And now," The Master started. "I will put you out of your misery." He drew his dark red lightsaber out and jumped to the team, about to decapitate all of them. But as the blade was only inches away from their necks, the glass of the window shattered as the comets broke through and 'disappeared', smoke filling the room and immediately being sucked out into space.

A hand reached out from the smoke, and the glass seemed to reverse back into place on the window.

As everyone got up, they looked over at the two new visitors. As the smoke settled, the two figures rose and revealed themselves.

 As the smoke settled, the two figures rose and revealed themselves

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Youth Wars Part 4: The Cave Of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now