Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

        Bennar was making his way through the halls of the temple, angry and concerned. The sith had slipped from him, and Ephraim didn't seem too concerned about what position the Republic was in in hindsight. And what would the Senate think if they had their suspicions confirmed that a sith had been within their ranks all along. It would be chaos.

        'I have to stop him before anything happens.' He figured. 'What can I use as leverage against him? What wou-' He stopped himself as he gave himself the idea. 'He has friends. I know of them; I've seen them. Where are they?' He knew they had a place to stay within the temple; he tried probing the temple to find their force signature, but didn't find them. 'Where are they?!'

The Jedi, Bando, and their invisible friend sat for a long time, trying to reach the one who could help find the cave and the team. They sat for a long time, but didn't connect at all.

"Are you toying with us?" Erickson asked suddenly.

"Sometimes he says 'yes,' sometimes he says 'no,' and sometimes he says 'not right now.' " The invisible man said.

"Oh please. We don't even know your name. Why should we trust you any further? We've been sitting here for a long time, and nothing's happened."

"I prefer to be known as what I am. Invisible man. And second off, I'm your only option; so if you want to find your friends, you'll have to stick with me."


"Your faith is weak." Bando interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Rye asked in defense of his brother.

"His lack of faith is preventing us from reaching out goal."

"Maybe it's your judgemental attitude keeping us from reaching it." Rye said.

"I am only here because you insisted I come. If you're going to be judgemental to me, then I'll leave. I have other business I need to attend to."

"Then why did you come?"

"Because like this, my business isn't the most important thing on my mind."

Rye narrowed his glare, but Bando's attitude and 'positive' body language remained the same.

"If I could interject," Ephraim said, "These two are our only bets at finding the team. I suggest we calm down and try again."

"He is correct." The invisible man said. "Let's, uh, take a few, and replenish ourselves."

Bando pushed past Rye and went outside.

        Bando was standing on the edge of the underworld cliff, staring down into the abyss. He was calm, but frustrated. He knew how to keep himself stable, as to not freak out and bring out bad memories. And speaking of bad memories, he sensed a very familiar presence behind him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a slightly threatening tone.

"I'm acting as a chaperone for your expedition group on the order of the governor." Sabine answered.

"Why do you think we need a chaperone?" Bando asked like she made a stupid decision.

"Like I said, it wasn't me."

"But you submitte- of course you did. If you submitted, you must've thought his reasoning, was reasonable. Why?"

"What's your problem with a chaperone?"

Youth Wars Part 4: The Cave Of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now