roommate 11

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"Chaeyeon," Minju states firmly, "for the nth time, you look great okay? Calm down, dude. You're making me nervous and I'm not even the one going out tonight."

Chaeyeon runs her fingers through her perfectly blonde wavy hair, all thanks to Minju and Sakura. As soon as they got the SOS call from Chaeyeon, they their way over to Sakura's room.

Chaeyeon looks at herself in the mirror, nibbling on her glossed bottom lip a bit nervously. She does look pretty and she feels pretty too. Her friends really did a good job on her.

She still feels nervous about this whole idea though. Actually, since the whole decision to meet was made, she's been getting random moments of heart palpitation issues and butterflies would rage in her stomach. Throughout the day, it would hit her and she'd start to lowkey freak out over the fact that she's actually going to pin a face to the person she's been talking to these past few montha. It feels surreal. It's almost like meeting Chungha or any IOI members for the first time because you finally realize that they're real people.

"Damn," Chaeyeon chuckles, wiping her palms on the outer part of black skinny jeans. "I'm so scared guys."

"Listen to Minguri, Chae," Sakura chimes in, giving her a friendly pat on the back.

"You seriously have nothing to be freaking out about. Plus we made you look hot as hell so they'll have to fall in love with you,"she laugh lightheartedly.

Chaeyeon smiles at Sakura and Minju she's really lucky to have a friends like them huh.

"Thank you guys. I really appreciate you helping me and listening to me ramble on about how nervous I was for the past few hours"

"You mean past few days," Sakura mumbles under her breath.

"All week" Minju adds in.

"Yah! and here I am thinking that I was so lucky to have you both" Chaeyeon rolls her eyes.

Chaeyeon glances down on her watch and sees that it's half past seven. They agrees to meet at eight at a little ice cream parlor that about 20 minutes away from her school, give or take a few.

After hugging and thanking her friends one last time, she makes her way out of the building and down to parking lot with hands fidgeting, breath trembling, and legs feeling like they're about to collapse underneath her any second now.

This girl must mean a lot to Chaeyeon than she thinks. No other person has had this strong of an impact before and she... kinda likes it.

She likes the butterflies. She likes involuntarily smiling just at the thought of her. She likes the way her heart skips a beat whenever her phone lights up when she receives a message from her. She likes the way that this girl makes her feel. And she is actually pretty glad that she's nervous. It means she cares and her feelings are genuine.
They both like surprises so neither of them told the other anything in terms of what they look like. They were just going to have figure out who one another is when are in there. That should be fun.

This is going to be a good night.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god," Chaeyeon mutters underneath her breath repeatedly as she makes her way up to the door of the cute intimate ice cream parlor.
Immediately, she cans the room for any sight of a teenage girl who's most likely to be sitting alone and probably gorgeous as hell. At first she couldn't see anyone. Almost everyone in the room was either middle-aged or older or male. Chaeyeon hopes to god that "she" is actually not a 65-year-old man.

But she still keeps looking around the room anyways until her eyes land on a teenage girl sitting near the side. But instead of her hopes rising and her heart racing, a deep scowl falls across her face and her jaw tightenes.

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