New Blue Shoes

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You didn't even realise how long you and JiMin had been talking for, you felt so calm and at ease with him. He understood you, he made you laugh and blush... But you couldn't shake off this feeling in the pit of your stomach. Surely, -even though Yoon Gi was your bias- you weren't... In love In love ... Were you?

Ji Min paid the bill, it was nearing dusk. The colors of the sunset danced on the brown leaves of the trees. The air was a bit cold, due to the season change... It was fall and it was beautiful. You held yourself, as you shivered slightly. Your brown converse sneakers matched the paving you walked on. You felt a slightly heavier feeling on your shoulders, Ji Min removed his black leather jacket and placed it on your shoulders, "Warmer?" He asked you, how was he this precious? You nodded slowly and then came to the realisation, "But Ji Min oppa!" You spoke up and began to remove the weighted jacket, "You might catch a cold! And you need to be at 100%! You have a concer--" he cut you off by approaching you, he placed his hand on your middle and looked into your soft eyes, he hovered for a few seconds and slowly pressed his plump, soft lips to yours. He kissed you slowly and passionately, his palm smoothly caressed the side of your neck, the hairs on your skin rose. His lips enveloped yours and you felt entranced by the whole experience. After a few minutes his lips began to slow down and he pulled back as if to tease you. He held your cheeks and pressed his forehead to yours, "You worry so much cupcake" he looked you deeply with love and utter adoration. "Please... Don't leave me..." His words stabbed your heart. You felt him press his lips again against your forehead and he gave you a soft peck on your forehead. He pulled back and grabbed your hand, "Now, lets get you home before you get sick!" He pulled you along. You both passed by a sneaker shop on your way home, "Oh! Look at those!" He pointed to a black pair of converse sneakers, "I see you like sneakers" he looked down at yours, you covered the one jaggered up old brown sneaker with your opposite foot. You blushed and looked down, "They must be special." He nudged your arm, you didn't look up, "Lets go look inside the store!" Ji Min chuckled and lead you inside.

You looked around, the place smelled of leather and rubber. The floors were wooden as the ceiling was white, the cashier seemed to notice who Ji Min was... Or so you thought. She could just be really enthusiastic about her job? You wondered. Suddenly, Ji Min sat you down and brought a small blue and black pair of glittery sneakers. "I think they would suit you?" You shook your head, "No! Ji Min! Have you seen the prices of these shoes" he smirked, "Yeah... I bet you can't afford it right?" Your head nodded in agreement and he looked at you, "but even though you won't buy it... Why not try it on? Just for fun?" A sigh could be heard in the background, you noticed the cashier seemed to get even more excited... 'if she doesn't know Ji Min... Then I'm afraid she doesn't get many customers' you thought to yourself, Ji Min shook the shoes infront of your face. Eventually, after minutes of begging and pleading from Jimin you agreed to put them on. They fitted perfectly, "I guess they look really good on m--" Ji Min pulled you up and dragged dyou to the cashier counter, "we'll take the ones she's got on." "What? No! We won't!" Ji Min pulled his purse out and gave you a look as if to say, 'don't embarrass me.' You look at the cashier and she eventually plucked up the courage to speak, "Ar-are Jackie Chan?" 'Coz my god ... She's stupid' Ji Min smiled kindly and replied, "No... I'm Ji Min from BTS!" Her face dropped and she kind of looked quite sad, 'How can she be sad? Ji Min looks nothing like Jackie Chan?' Your inner fangirl crawled out, but you calmly put her away. Ji Min was so friendly and cute about it, he sort of took it like a joke... You were astound at his patience, if you were him you wouldn't have been so nice about the situation. As you exited you kind of also felt relieved she wasn't a fan... Or else things would've been heated.

As the sky grew to its darkest point you got home, "Ji Min I will pay you back!" He opened the door, " no need." He let you enter and walked in. Yoon Gi was sitting on the couch at the center of the room. "It's 9pm..." He said lowly, Ji Min rolled his eyes.

Yoon Gi is mad... Again. Although, this time... He seemed more hurt. How would you explain this? Would you explain? Does he have to know about your feelings towards Jimin?

(UPDATEEUUUU!!! Things are getting confusing now... I hope you're having fun with this story! Thank you to the readers who have kept up with the current and continually vote for each chapter.. you know who you are :*! Enjoy your day! Xx)

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