Chapter 38.5.

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A/N: wattpad went all weird last night and didn't save half of my chapter. It was originally better than this but I'm sorry. This is continuing on from my previous one. It wouldn't let me update it either, this is the fourth time I've written this and I hope it's okay.

After a few minutes of playing, I get up and walk into the hallway. Chris isn't there so I just assume that he's gone already. I take my stuff up to the pool area alone but no one was there either. I just sigh and put my stuff down on a chair. I walk over to the balcony and look out across at the view of the city. The city is beautiful, it reminds me of Paisley.

"How did I ever let her go?" I groan out loud, banging my head against my arms that are resting on the railing. Wait, out loud? Whoops.

"I couldn't of gone far.." I hear a soft voice ya from behind me. No, it can't be, can it? I must be imagining things. I should probably turn around just in case.

I slowly turn around and see the one thing that makes me happy. Paisley was right there. Has she come back? I doubt it. She's probably here to give me an invitation to her and Jai's wedding. Shut up, Ethan. Just find out.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I shouldn't have left. I need you Ethan and I'm hoping you still feel the same." Paisley says.

"Of course I do." I say. I'm honestly shocked.

"I'm sorry," Paisley says as she starts to cry, smiling through the tears, though

"Please don't be sorry, it was my fault." I reply.

"I missed you so much." Paisley cries, running into my open arms.

"I missed you too. More than you Could ever know." I reply, holding her tight and breathing in the scent of her vanilla perfume again. We cry into each other and hold as tight as we can.

Suddenly there's a round of applause from Grace, Bella and Chris. When did they get here? After what seemed like a lifetime, although I wish it was more, we pull apart with tear stains on each other's shirts and our cheeks.

"Match maker Chris had done it again." Chris says, pretending to flick some dirt off his shoulder sassily.

"Congratulations, Ethan." Bella says.

We all sit there in a silence until Grace clears her throat loudly.

"Oh right, umm, Paisley, this is Grace, Bella and Chris." I say, pointing to each person as I say their name.

"Grace, Bella, Chris, this is Paisley." I say proudly.

"Hey." they all say at the same time which was funny.

I look at Paisley for a second but see she is already staring at me. We stand there looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"Just kiss her, Ethan!" I hear Chris say.

I want to make this special for her. I rest my forehead against hers and we both close our eyes. We stand there for a minute like that, just letting our foreheads touch until we very slowly get closer so our noses are touching. All of a sudden she just goes for it and our lips meet. Only for a second, but it was all I needed to feel the massive load of butterflies flutter up in my stomach. I'm so glad they never died, even though the rest of me basically did. We pull away and look mischievously into each other's eyes. It's like we are thinking the same again, like our brains are connected. Paisley quickly takes off her over shirt to reveal a black bikini and high waisted boardies. I swear she's perfect.

I grab her hand and together we bomb into the pool, soaking everyone else just like Chris and I did the other week.

Everyone else jumps in and we have a massive splash fight. Since it was 3 against 2, we were forced to surrender. We all stand there exhausted from all the splashing.

There's one more thing on my mind that I need to clear up. I grab Paisley's hand and drag her to the side.

"I just wanted to ask this." I start but hesitate because I think it's too soon.

"Yeah?" She asks. Oh well. What have I got to lose?

"I was just wondering if I can call you mine again..?" I ask.

"Of course." she says, staring into my eyes.

I am holding her bridal style in the water and her arms are hanging around my neck, holding herself up. She drags herself all the way up to place a kiss on the end of my nose. She pulls away, smiling a perfect smile at me. We go back to the others and Chris gives me a questioning head tilt. I just nod my head in reply and smile like an idiot. I'm actually so happy right now, happier than I've been in months. I guess miracles do come true if you stay committed long enough. It was worth the painful wait.

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