Chapter 11: "Baby-sitting"

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As the hellish train stopped.. Natsu sighed for relief... but deep in him.. he wants the ride to never stop... to spend the time on Lucy's lap.. made him happy and his heart to flutter..

Unbeknowst to him.. during the ride he never noticed the red face of Lucy.. and her heart pounding louder than ever..

When will they confess to each other? How long do we have to wait? you might ask... that depends on the author who seemed to be mindblocked.. thinking how to end the story..

Now, the two mages proceeded to walk towards their destination... at Hargeon port... they stopped and laughed together.. thinking this was the place where they first met... It felt like destiny when they met.. and they will treasure those memories forever..

Lucy's POV:

We arrived at the front gates of the Maverick family.. you might wonder how did we arrived their with no worry at all.. its because there were a map sticked with the quest.. (= v = ;) duh! (XD)

We were about to ring the doorbell but the door automatically opened.. it seemed like they're were a security camera.. (but why do they have a doorbell when its not needed?)

In awe Natsu exclaimed and asked me...

"SUGOOOOII!! LUCCCYY!! how can they open this huge dooooorr!! Its magic i tell you!!!" i sweated dropped in his ignorance..

"Hai hai.." i replied hoping to stop his questions...

A man in black appeared (deja vu) and it seemed like he was the butler... 

"Luce, i want a butler.. just like this house.." Natsu blurted out..

I didnt answer him.. and just proceeded to follow the guy.. He opened a door.. which led to a garden filled with beautiful roses.. 

A guy in a suit.. welcomed us with a smile... beside him a beautiful woman in her mid 30's smiled too..

They told us to take care of their children for they have an important business trip to go to... I asked them why does it have to be a mage? They just smiled in response and told me that we will find out about it on a later date.. I shrugged my question.. and they proceeded to tell us that we can use anything in the house... and feel free to be at home.. because no one ever lasted with their kids.. they said in worry.. hoping we can take care of them.. i assured the couple that we will do our best... We sent them out at their limo... but still Natsu is standing in awe.. i punched his head to wake him up..


Why is he so oblivous...

The maids led us to our room.. which happened to be only one room.. but had a freakingly huge master bed..

They also gave us brief orientation of the place..

They left us in front of the room of the twins to be acquainted with them..

Natsu seemed excited to meet them..

I knocked the door.. and two small cute kids came out.. with their big eyes.. they introduced themselves..

The girl said.. (ponytails) "Hello! Im Ami Maverick! Nice to meet you!" she beamed

THe other girl said.. (pig tails) "Hihihihi! Im Mai! Hello!" she shook her hands with me..

They were so jolly and a whole lot of trouble..

They like to pull pranks.. but it seemed that Natsu is used to pranks (of course.. Gray remember?) The children grew found of us..

If you look at us.. without knowing our occupation with them you might thought we are parents and child...

I cooked dinner because they played the whole afternoon.. i cooked a lot because... i gave a portion for the helpers.. (i dont want to say servants..)  and a portion for Natsu, Happy and me.. and also for the children..

I was shocked when they said..

"We never had breakfast together.. Its always in our room.." 

I never thought that their parents never ate with them.. I smiled in pity and told them the whole week will be always like this.. with us...

They smiled and agreed happily.. Natsu started eating..  and Happy also.. 

After eating our dinner.. i made.. milk for them..  (only the children)

They said they never had milk made by their mother..

Okay what weird parents they have..

After drinking their milk they played for a short while and we tucked them to sleep.

I also told them a story...  without finishing the story.. they fell asleep..

I woke Natsu up... (Stupid Natsu, he fell asleep also) and told him to transfer at our room.. Happy was already there sleeping..

it was awkward to sleep together... but was comfortable to be together.. (confusing right? Im confused also)

THe whole week was fun.. And i understood why their parents asked mages because their were thieves and kidnappers but Natsu tooked them down easily....

We have to say good bye to them.. and they told us to stay.. but we kindly refused..

"We have a family waiting for us.." he reasoned out...

But we pinky promised the kids... that we will get in touch with them..

They are so adorable... :)

The week we had was relaxing and fun...

Dragon Princess!? (NaLu fanfic) EDITING in progress~~~Where stories live. Discover now