Proluge pt2

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Kai above is 5
........................................................??? POV
"Are you sure this is the house?" I asked ???. He looked at me and nodded as we went up to the house. We went through the open window and ended up in the kitchen. We snuck up to one of the rooms to see if their daughter is in one of them. The first door we opened was a bathroom, the second one we opened was the pot hero's room, finally the last door we opened was the little girls room. We snuck in quietly so we can take her but, she suddenly moved which slightly scared us. As we got closer to her we saw that she was hugging a lucario plushie. I looked at ??? and picked up the little girl carefully so she wouldn't wake up. As we walked down the stairs suddenly, we heard the 2 pro hero's yell, "PUT HER DOWN!!!". We turned around and saw the 2 pro hero's glaring at us as we got closer to their door. I gave the little girl to ??? and turned to her parents and disintegrated the floor. As they fell through the floor we left our he door and Kuroguri opened his portal for us. We went through the portal and ended up in the League Of Villian hideout. As soon as we entered the bar the little girl woke up.
I looked around in terror when i realized I wasn't home with mom and dad. I look up and noticed a guy with glowing blue eyes and purple skins on his face looking at me. I screamed in fear as I realized he was holding me. I leaned back in his arms and made myself fall out of them.
As I hit the floor a girl with a bunch of sharp tools came close to me with a knife. I looked at her with fear and hugged my lucario plushie closet to me."I want my mommy and daddy!" I cried in fear. The guy with purple skin on his face (guess who it is) came closer to me and squatted on the floor and leaned towards me and hugged me like my father would. He started whispering calm words to me. "Shh Shh it will be ok.". I look up at him and hug him behind his neck and fell back to sleep after crying so much.
???? POV
After the little girl fell asleep in my arms I turned and look at the other villains and noticed them looking at me with a look of confusion. "What?" I asked them with a bit of an annoyed tone. They all replied "You just showed your emotions Dabi!". I looked at them then looked at the little snuggling into my neck I smiled slightly and replied "Yea I guessed I did."


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