Chapter 3

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Kai is now 7 years old. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I wasn't feeling well.
Kai's POV
'Dang it how to I keep losing to him well I'll beat him some day.
After looking around I finally noticed that all the villains were looking at us mostly me. "What are you guys looking at?" I tilted my head cutely most of them turned around and a few of them blushed. "We were looking at nothing kid." I hear a male voice say behind me. I jumped forward and turned around activating my quirks on instinct and asked in a serious tone,"Who the heck are you?!" "The name's Stain kid." He replied back in a monotone voice.
Kai looks at him and thinks 'The look in his eye it isn't malice and bloodlust it was pain and sadness' After Kai finished her thoughts she deactivated her quirks and gave stain a hug. She then whispered in his ear with a soft motherly tone for a 7 year old, "It's ok to feel pain and sadness you know who you are don't let anyone tell you otherwise you are special in you own way." After Kai finished whispering to stain he was on the verge of crying.
Stains POV
This girl she knows what I feel and doesn't want to change me for the way I am. I was on the verge of crying from what she said and that's when I noticed she was walking some where and motioned with her hand to follow her.
Kai's POV
After getting stain to follow me to my room I decided that he would be my friend to help him with his emotions and help him vent.
As soon as we entered my room I sat on my bed and motioned Stain to sit on my bed and said to him in a quiet tone, "It's ok to cry ya know. It's not healthy to bottle up your emotions even though you want to." As soon as I finished saying that Stain started bawling out in tears and layed down on my bed cuddling my waist as he cried. As he was holding my waist I ran my tiny hand through his hair to soothe him. After 15 minutes i didn't hear anymore sobbing or sniffling so I looked down and noticed that stain was sleeping. After slipping out of his tight grip I walked to my closet that was filled with mostly oversized clothes from everyone and grabbed one of Tomu-kun's long sleeved shirt and then went to go shower. When I left the bathroom after showering I noticed stain whimpering as he slept so I crawled into bed and on top of his chest(Not like that you perverts) and layer my head down on his heart so he knows I was there. Once I put my head on his chest he immediately stopped whimpering and turned towards the right and cuddled me. 'Well I guess I'm sleeping like this tonight' Kai finally thought before she went to sleep.
3rd Person POV
After Stain and Kai left all the other villains started to talk again about when we should attack all might again but only 2 people weren't talking. Dabi and Tomura were still staring at the spot me and stain were in before. "Come on staple face lets go see where they went." Tomura said to Dabi and he nodded wanting to know where in the heck those two went.
As the got up the stairs they noticed that Kai's room door was open and peeked in and saw Stain and Kai sleeping in a couple position.(The image above) *Growl* They both growled at Stain for sleep with their Kai. They turned away and thought 'We will get you stain for sleeping with MY Kai' as they walked away the softly closed the door.
Hey my fellow uchiha's so look I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while the reason why is because I was sick Bakagero.
Author: well looks like stain and Kai are building up a good relation ship.
Kakashi:*reading Icha Icha* mhm
Soul: It kinda cool how well she can see through people
Madara: Hn
Author: *Takes kakashi's book and burns it with my fire breath and then hits madara in the head with my tail* You baka's why can't y'all be nice like soul!*gives soul a kiss on the cheek* Thank you for at least talking
Soul: No problem(smug smirk)
Madara and Kakashi:*glaring at soul*
Author: Anyway I'll try updating more often.
Madara: Hn(Read)
Soul: Comment!
Kakashi: Vote
Author: And we'll see you soon
Everyone: WE LOVE Y'ALL JA NE!

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