Chapter 8

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while the Covid-19,school work, family issues, etc quite a lot of things have happened causing me not to update and I'm sorry for that I hope you all can forgive me also thanks for the help Low-Key_High she helped me in making this chapter so give her credit plz and thank you NOW ON TO THY STORY!
3rd person POV
Today is the day of the U.A entrance exams and Kai is currently waking up to get ready.
Kai's POV
I woke up to my loud annoying alarm and MidnightAngle licking my face. "Woah haha ok haha I'm awake I'm awake get off haha!" I yelled at midnightAngle when he finally got off of me I went and got dressed. I put on a black crop top and a pair of black joggers and my scarf (she basically has a scarf of bandages like Aizawa). I ran downstairs and made some toast while running to the door I grabbed midnightangle and screamed goodbye to lady Naminasa. Once I got out the door I put midnightangle down and we walked to U.A. When we got there I made my way into the auditorium to wait for instructions. Once everyone else made there way into the auditorium Present Mic walked on stage and said, "everybody say HEY!" There was complete silence. "Tough crowd this year I see... then I'll quickly go over the rules for the practical exams! As it says in the application requirements you listeners will be doing 10 minute urban battles after this! You can bring whatever you want with you and after the presentation you will go to your indicated battle zones." I look down at my card and thought 'zone D huh interesting'. I looked over to my right and noticed I was sitting next to Izu-kun! "Hey Izu-kun what zone did you get?" I asked in a curious tone. "Oh um Kai I got zone B." He stated. I pouted and said, "Darn it I got zone D. Well good luck Izu-kun." Then present mic started talking again, "there are three different types of robotics villains in each battle center. You earn points from each of them based on their different point level and difficulty. The goal is to earn 45 points by destroying each robot with your quirk or get as many points as possible before time is up! Of course attacking any other people and any other unheroic actions are not allowed!". Suddenly a boy with blue hair and glasses stood up and asked, "May I ask a question?" And present mix responded with "Okay!" and a light shined on the blue haired boy in front of us and he stated, "On the printout there are four types of villains if this is a misprint U.A should be ashamed! And you the curly haired boy with the girl beside him!" 'This b*tch better not be talking about me and izu-kun.' Kai thought in slight anger. "You've been muttering this whole time! It's disturbing and the girl beside him why do you have a wolf with you?!?!" The blue hair boy screamed. I stood up I have had enough of him and his remarks and said, "Well for one Izu-kun has a slight muttering problem so instead of being rude ask politely have you ever heard of it and present mic said we could bring whatever we want so I brought my wolf got a problem with it then ignore it!" After my mini rant present mix started speaking again, "Okay Okay examinee 7111 thanks for the great feed back. The fourth type of faux villain is worth 0 points I would suggest you avoid them while taking the test." As present finished the rest of the rules we left to go to our assigned gates. "Aah I'm so excited!" I said ready to begin the test. "Ready ... Set ... Go!" I heard someone scream through the speakers. I bolted off into my assigned area earning points left and right destroying each robot in my path along with Midnightangle. Then I saw a boy with yellow hair and a black lighting streak with a funny look on his face about to be crushed. I used my scarf and put him on midnightangle's back and started running with midnightangle next me. There were only two minutes left I think until I heard, "Only one minute left!" Ok I guess I was wrong after that I noticed a green flash in the sky along with the zero pointer. 'I'm so glad I'm not there' I thought nervously until I squinted my eyes and noticed it was Izu-kun! 'What the heck is he doing?!' I thought scared for my friends life when I noticed he was falling quickly to the ground and his bones looked broken. "TIMES UP EXAMINEES PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY OUT OF THE ARENA!" a loud voice shrieked in the speakers. 'Welp I hope i got enough points and I have to take this idiot to the nurses office. I'm question how he even ended up like this.' I thought and shook my head annoyed. "Come on MidnightAngle lets get this baka to the nurses office." I told midnightAngle as we walked by the other examinees. 'Wait where the hell is the nurses office anyway?' I sweat dropped and looked around and noticed a lady so I ran up to her with midnight (midnightangle's nickname) and asked, "Excuse me ma'am do you know where the nurses office is?" She turned around and said, "Oh lucky for you I am the nurse." I sighed in relief and picked up the boy on midnights back and said, "Great! I found this boy during the exams and he looked like he couldn't walk around. We (midnight and Kai) picked him up for the remaining time." As she looked him over she glanced at me and stated, "Oh dear let's get you both into my office!" I looked at her confused and asked, "why me?" She raised her eyebrow and stated, "You haven't noticed dear but you have a large and deep looking cut on your stem and your shirt is all ripped up." I looked down at the cut and my shirt and thought, 'The adrenaline must have made me numb to the pain of the cut.' I looked up at nurse and looked at her name tag that said Recovery Girl on it and said, "oh I guess I didn't feel it, ok lead the way ma'am." We arrived at the nurses office I put the blonde haired boy on one of the beds and sat on the other one with midnight at the end of the bed. About 20 minutes later the blonde haired boy woke up looking more confused than the confused pikachu meme questioning where he was. He looked at me and said, "Hm where am I? Oh well hello there cutie." I glared at him and stated, "Shut the hell up! Your in the nurses office stupid, how'd you end up looking brain dead in the first place.?" He looked at me and laughed softly and said, "It's my quirk beautiful if I use it to much I go stupid or brain dead. Also the name's Denki Kaminari what yours sexy?" and then he winked at me ... I looked at him and got up with midnight and walked out of the nurses office only hearing this from denki as I left, "h-hey wait at least give me your name!" As I got half way own the hallway I heard foot steps running up behind me only to turn around and see denki behind me so I continued walking home hoping he wouldn't follow me. I was wrong he was still following me by the time I got home I turned around sighed and said, "My name is Kai and here's my number but I'm only going to say it one my number is 301-457-8975. (This is not a real number)" He looked at me and blushed and said, "Thanks beautiful. I looked at him and turned my head slightly hiding my tiny blush and said, "Whatever bye kaminari." I turned around and walked inside the house and was greeted by lady Naminasa and she said, "Hello dear! I'm glad your back I made some cold soba for dinner." I looked at lady Naminasa and smiled widely. I thanked her while running up the stairs into the shower also washing midnight as well making sure he wasn't smelly. I put on my pajamas her oversized hoodie (The photo won't pop up for me so it's basically a XXL hoodie with eraser head design) and a pair of shorts. After drying midnight off I ran downstairs and into the kitchen sitting down at the table as we both started eating our soba. 'I can't wait to get my letter' I thought in excitement as I slurped my cold soba. After finishing dinner I ran up stairs after telling lady Naminasa goodnight with midnight right behind me we jumped into my bed and we drifted off to sleep.
3rd Person POV
Our young protagonist just finished her practical exam for U.A little did she know she would meet someone she hasn't seen in years.
Author: I'm still alive but this whole corona-virus thing has gotten me off track for my story and school has been kicking my ass so I haven't been to update and I'm very sorry *bows head*
Kakashi: welcome back to the world of the living babe *reading his book*
Soul: Hey baby welcome back
Madara: Hn Hn Hn (Welcome back love)
Author/me: *blushes slightly* a-anyway I'll try updating sooner because I feel really bad for not updating for a while I'm trying to connect my Wattpad to my computer so I could type so it would be faster but you know life doesn't want to cooperate with me.
Kakashi: well as long as your back that all I need *walks up behind author and wraps his arms around me*
  Soul: Anyway asking as we get to see you we are A Ok
Madara: *grumbles* update sooner baka
Author/me: *glares* OI shut up madara but anyway I want to thank Low-Key_High for helping me update this story for this chapter I edited a bit giving some more action for midnightangle I forgot what I named him in the beginning but call him whatever you want it really doesn't matter. Any way I live all my reader for encourage me and reminding me to update my story you all give me the motivation to update this story.
Any way
Ja ne I love you all thank you for the support and encouragement to update my story.
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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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