Chapter 1

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OKAY. SO I THOUGHT I POSTED THIS, BUT APPARENTLY NOT. Here is the first chapter. I managed to go like 1/2 days without realizing this. Okay. I'm sorry.  I hope you all like it. 

Charley's POV

It was a hot summer night. It was around midnight, and it was June 3, so summer had just begun. Now, what do you suppose you would be doing on a hot summer night? Maybe catching fireflies, staying up with your friends, camping, spending time with your family, or maybe just sleeping? I would probably be with my little brother or sleeping if I wasn't here. I, unfortunately, am here at a One Direction concert with one of my best friends, Annabelle.

I don't even know why I'm here. This isn't as much fun as Annabelle said it would be. I'm standing here, at midnight, waiting for some stupid boy band to come out of the venue. Why did Annabelle want to wait out here? If she meets them, it's not like they're going to fall in love with her or something. She has this perfect, fairytale image played out in her head, but we all know she won't be the future Mrs. Payne, or whatever that kid's last name was.

"Come on, Charley! We need to get closer to the gate so we have a better chance of seeing them!" Annabelle said. 

I groaned and said, "No! I didn't want to be here in the first place. What makes you think I want to waste my energy on trying to get their attention when they honestly don't give a flying fuck about me?"

"Language." Annabelle snapped.

I rolled my eyes and said, "This whole 'no cussing' thing isn't going to work, no matter how determined you are." 

"Whatever. We are still going to see them."

"I'm not. Sure, you can. I will gladly stand right here in this spot where no one is and wait for you." 

There was no way Annabelle was actually going to leave me in this spot alone. 

"Fine." she said, and with that, she turned on her heel and went to gate, along with the other hundreds of screaming girls. 

I was alone, and I'm pretty sure I looked horribly awkward. I was distanced off to the side, so I looked like some lost loner person. Perfect. 

After about five minutes with just the chatter of the teenage girls, I heard screaming. And not by just one person, by multiple. 

I turned my head to see the hundreds of teenage girls screaming and flailing their arms all over the place. I looked over their heads, and of course, I could see those five boys they went crazy over. Liam was waving and went over to sign some autographs, along with Lewis? Or Louis? Whatever his name was. 

I then saw the dark haired one- Zayn, maybe? Or Zany? Something like that, I'm sure. He was going over to fans and talking to them. 

Then, off to the side, I could see the blonde one and Curly. They weren't over by fans, but they seemed to be deep in conversation. Blondie looked frustrated, and Curly seemed to be trying to make blondie do something...or he was just being an ass and making blondie frustrated. 

After about five minutes, the gate opened. Oh God. 

The boys came out of the gate and were coming over and signing autographs, taking pictures, and talking to all of these screaming girls. Why on Earth would they open the gate? They could get trampled! 

Figuring Annabelle would be over there a while, I took out my iPhone 3G to see a text from one of my other best friends, Aiden.

Aiden: How's the concert?

Me: The concert just ended. Annabelle is trying to go and meet the boys and she's completely fangirling over them. It's sort of sad. 

Aiden: Ahahahah sounds like Annabelle. Good thing she's pretty. ;)

Changing My Direction (Niall Horan) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now