Chapter 4

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I fail at life, guys. Sorry it's been so long. School's a bitch. BUT, I'm about to go on Thanksgiving break for NINE DAYS. Hopefully I'll be able to get a chapter up, as I will be travelling. But, I decided to write up a chapter cause I'm reallllly sick. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. :( Eep. I've missed so much school :/ Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Charley's POV

It was about 5:30 AM when I had made it back to my house earlier that morning. I had gone home and cried for a bit before deciding that I need to get over myself. I half expected it in the beginning, anyway. It was now 9:30 AM, and I was going to pick up Luke from Aiden's house.

Once I reached his house, I rang the doorbell and went ahead and entered. "I'm here!" I called, hearing lots of movement in the kitchen.

"Charley!" I heard a small squeal. I instantly smiled and looked down to see my six year old brother, Luke, run towards me in his Buzz Lightyear footie pajamas as he jumped into my arms.

I lifted him up and said, "Hey, buddy! Did you have fun last night with Aiden?"

"Yeah! We watched Toy Story, played with Legos, and he even took me to the park this morning!"

"In your pajamas?" I laughed, knowing Aiden would have let him out like that.

"Yeah! I didn't want to change!" Luke giggled. I laughed a bit and headed over towards the kitchen with Luke.

Annabelle and Aiden were both cooking breakfast. They both looked up and smiled. "Hey, Charles!" Aiden smiled.

"Hey!" I smiled back. "Did you have fun with Luke?"

"Oh yeah. The kid's got a lot of energy, as usual." Aiden said, making me laugh.

"Aiden! Aiden! Can we show Charley my Lego?" Luke's tiny voice asked.

Aiden laughed and said, "Sure, little man. How about you go get it out?"

"Okay!" Luke giggled, running away.

" did last night go?" Annabelle asked.

I sighed and said, "He's exactly what I thought him to be. He's cocky, arrogant, and just plain stupid."

"Then why did you stay the night?" Annabelle and Aiden asked at the same time.

"Well, I left his house at about 4:30 this morning, went home, cried, slept some, woke up, and came here." 

"What happened?" Aiden asked, looking concerned. 

"It turned out he was betting on me with the curly haired one. If I slept with him, he won the bet and would never talk to me again." I said as bravely as I could, not wanting to relive the past few hours.

"That asshole." Annabelle muttered, coming over to hug me. "You gonna be okay?"

"I think so." I sighed. I actually had really liked Niall. Maybe we could have been friends if he hadn't made a bet on me. 

"If you change your mind, I can always come rip his head off and burn it." Aiden piped up.

I laughed and went over to hug Aiden. "Thanks, A." 

"Charley! Charley! Here it is!" I heard Luke's little voice carry throughout the house. I smiled and knelt down as Luke showed me every part of his Lego he had built. I really love my brother more than anything, and he could make me smile, even during the worst of times.

Niall's POV


Liam's yelling had awakened me from my not-so-peaceful sleep. I turned over in the bed, groaned, and stuffed my face into the pillow. I was in no mood to get up. Or, you know, move at all. I laid in the hotel bed, thinking about all that had previously happened.

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