Chapter 2

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  My Poppi had a bingo game sceduled at with his friends in the retirment home, and I was just not in the mood to go. So, instead I went to the best restuarnt in town for a good dinner out; I never did that anymore. It was a nicer resteraunt, but not too nice...or expenssive. I decided to curl my long, blonde hair and wear a sprinkle of sparkling red dress, and some silver/gray heels.

  I decided to walk there, our town doesnt have taxi's and I just felt like it was the perfect time to clear my head and take a breath. I took a deep breath when I got there, because usaully the place is packed. But as I looked around, I realized the place was just barely full, of nothing but older people...then I remembered there was some big party tonight; that I, of cource, didn't get invited to, but I think Carry did.

  Instead of waiting for someone to show me a place to sit, I took  the liberty in seating myself in a both scecluded away from the rest of the people; but I was still visable. After a few minuetes, a familiar voice asked, "what can I get you to drink?"

  I looked up, seeing Drew. "Why aren't you at that party?" I asked.

  He shrugged, "you know that for me, family and work come before parties and stuff."

  I nodded, impressed. "That's good to hear, especailly from a big shot such as yourself." I smiled, "well, what would you get to drink?"

  He shrugged, "um, a Mello-Yellow."

  I looked at the menu that had been placed on my table ahead of time, "I would like a Dr.Pepper and a Mello-Yellow."

  H laughed, "why would you need to drinks? Your not on a date are you?"

  I blushed, shaking my head. "Umm, no don't worry about that; l haven't been a date since middle school." I looked at him, seeing a hint of pain in his eyes, "I'm sorry, l--"

  H shook his head," don't worry about it."

  I chuckled a little, "I actually got it because l was wondering if you would like to join me? It's not like Boyd would care, you guys really aren't busy." Boyd was the owner of the restaurant, and a long time friend of my family.

  He nodded, smiling a little. "All of that is coming right up." And tunred to go to the kitchen.

  I smiled, proud of myself for what I had just accomplished. I had just asked a long time friend (also a hot senior) to come and enjoy dinner with me...even though i still needed to order somefood. But, at that moment, l felt as though my past had disappeared.

  "I'm back," he said, putting our glasses on the table at the same time, then taking a seat.

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