Mystery: 01

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"Aghhhhh" I hate it, I throw the alarm clock through the door..

"Girl open the door are you ok!?" tskkk my friend said..

Then I heard footsteps before she get into my room...

"ohhh I think u are OK but the alarm clock is not ok hehe" she said while holding the broken pieces of the alarm clock..

"Go now I need to change before we go somewhere" I said coldly..

"K." she said and walk away I know that she already know where we are going..

Then after that conversation I do my morning rituals, then I go out into my room and where my famous poker face...

Ohhh wait let me introduce myself to u guys I am Katelyn anne sapphire Mae Soo Misaki Nightwalker I am a half Japanese, 1/4 Korean, 1/3 British, 1/4 American and 1/4 Filipino...

(A/N: Wow half pa bah yan😂😂)

Tsk author is always author

(A/N: Of course I'm an author hahah)

Tsk let's go back to the story now I am parking in the Sapphire Company (known as the top company overall the world) Only my uncle manage this company because my parents is in the Philippines with my Grandfather and my other cousins so I left alone in here and I don't have a older/younger sister so I am only alone... now I am walking through my uncle's office when every member of the company bow at me and greeted me but I just ignore them I don't care pshh

"Good morning"
"Good morning beautiful young lady"
"Morning young lady"

They greeted at me every time I passed at them and of course I just ignore them then voala I am infrot of my uncle's office and I didn't bother to knock but still I have sense of gratitude.... He is busy so I did my welcoming to him I throw shurikens to him.. He fell from his swivel chair...
He will going to recite in....




"Who did that!?" my uncle said is he already blind tskk he is off guard

"Me any problem with that 'uncle' " I said to him.. Then here he goes again

"Can you just stop Katelyn you are a big trouble always what will happen when your dad know this huh!? what are going to do and also me as your uncle need to treat you to be a good child *sigh* what are you really doing here" he said while arranging his struggle office tskk

"I will do my payback" I said while seating an Indian seat my squad mates are their own worlds now..

"hmmm seems you are already ready and your squad aren't you..."
He said to me while watching the outside view of the glass door I know it is reflecting he wants to have a revenge on those Mafia and Mafioso members who killed the 1/4 of our mafia because of the betrayers who get inside of the mafia clan now we already know who are they cause We trace all of their tricks know we know we can play with them

*devil smile*

"Uncle trust us cause we will have our revenge among them" I smile and walk away

"Wait" he said so I stop infrot of his door

"please be careful and kill them all playfully " he said coldly as an ice is being inside of him formed is saw him clenched his fist... Then I walked away in his room already... I am going to call them...



'we are going somewhere'



Then I hang up may phone that my squad mate or should I say our captain...

(A/N: Hala sino yung Kontra bidang mafia yun??  Ciao guys!!😁😁)

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