Mystery: 02

36 2 0

Katelyn P.O.V

London, England

Ringgggggggg (alarm clock)

I throw the alarm clock through the door. The heck early morning, I checked my phone Its 4:45 in the morning.... I do my morning rituals as always after I go down I use elevator cause this mansion is upto 5th floor and there is soooooo many rooms in here but I'm just one daughter I mean person from my generation but of course I have butlers, maids and nannies they are also the one who cleaned every single tip of our mansion.. I went out through the door then here we go again..... I just ignore them and wear my famous poker face (they said)

"Good morning young lady"

"Good morning young lady your breakfast is already been served and please proceed to the dining room already cause your parents are their and they are waiting for you... " the maid said to me so mom is here.. I am just going to go inside the dining, I already know that my parents and my two cousins are here from phillipines I guess?? nahhhh
lolo told me about that my two cousins are going in here he said that the two of them are boys and what so ever he said and IDC and I know lolo is in the dining room already how? because I can feel his aura until in my room and ohh i forgot to tell that I have step cousin and IDC now I am going through the room I know he will going to have me a great welcoming with dummies in the kitchen that I need to kill tsk ez hehe OK let's stop chit chatting in here I am walking now through the door I know my 5 cousins are here I can feel there aura they can't notice me cause I had my aura from them 4 boy and a 1 girl I know that hehe and here it goes in




"Attack" my lolo said when I open the door I saw them but I ignore them I just snap my fingers then voala they are all dead hehe I saw them shocked eyes but still I wear my oh-so-famous-poker-face...

I have feeling that lolo's samurai is coming from me I turn at back then lean at the table then I catch the samurai by my two fingers at its blade but it doesn't bleed of course I know how to handle this situation nahhhhhhh ez hehe

I heard clap from my lolo tsk the old man clapped


"bravo ija, fantastic, excellent" lolo said with complementing voice

"Done" I said with my cold voice while watching the samurai I'm handling my reflection in samurai is my only eyes it's color violet with green one hehe I love it...

"yeah like my present" this old man said to me

"hmmm yeah" I replied with an unlively voice I look at my cousins still not recovering from what happened their face is just like this

(*0*) - them

(-_-) - me

"tsk" then I already seated beside mom and all of us has been seated all of them wear their smiles and.....

"Mga apo ito pala si Katelyn at katelyn apo ito si layla, Matthew, Tyler, Sean at andrew" this man said to me they just at me but IDC then they introduce their selves to me

"Hi coz I am layla I'm 17 yrs old" layla said with sparkles appear in her eyes tumango lamang ako..

"hi Katelyn I'm Matthew I am 17 yrs old" Matthew said to me

"Twins" I said then they have been shock even my parents and the old man

"woahhhh yeah right we are twins but we're not identical well we're fraternal twins hehe" layla said to me tumango lamang ako

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