A New Beginning

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"I love you..." whispered Lee Hyuk as he drew his last breath. He felt at peace for once in his long tumultuous life. He would die with no regrets.

And just like that he was gone.

"Welcome." a faint sound of wind chimes could be heard with it. "Where...where am I ?" Lee Hyuk voiced out loud to himself, this was not what he envisioned the afterlife to be like. A room filled with a large variety of tea cups big and small, a collection so extensive that it even beat his wardrobe as an emperor. He turned around and saw a man in a suit, seated and staring at him expectantly.

 "Have a seat." 

"Who are you? Am I dead?"

"You're dead, I'm a grim reaper and it would help if you could drink the tea in front of you."

"Can I just ask one thing? Is Sunny alright?"

" Yes now can you drink the tea, I'm running late for a death."

Taking a sip, Hyuk could taste the scent of flowers, lily magnolia So Hyun's favorite flowers. A single tear ran down his face as he finished the cup of tea.

"You can go through that door now I'll trust you can leave by yourself" Then he was gone.

Too confused to complain, Hyuk walked through the door and into the bright light.

A/N: Decided while writing this opening to have some other korean drama references so look out for the Easter eggs!! Also this is my first time actually seriously writing any sort of fan fiction so please forgive me for anything I do badly.

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