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          I walked out of my bedroom, a little bit happier than any other days. I have a new friend that actually is nice to me and its just AWESOME. I had this thought this to myself about the name of the Indian girl, Leo. What kind of girl name is that? I mean it is appropriate for a boy name but not this girl. The name that could suit her is Sneha. At my other school, I used to have a friend named Neha Kumar. She was smart and awesome. Leo reminded me of her so that's why I decided to give her my dream name for her and make it Sneha. I went into my closet and got ready for school and ran down the stairs and out the door with only a granola bar in my hand. I actually for the first time in forever wanted to go to school because of Leo or should I say Sneha. I opened the classroom door and walked in. I could smell the horror. I sat down, got my book and started to read only minding myself. Ring. Ring. Ring. The bell rang and I flew out of the door and looked for Leo. 

"Leo!" I said in a loud voice trying to catch her attention.

"Oh hey Sakina!" She replied while walking towards me. 

"Lets go to class before we are late!" I said while holding my neck high because of Leo's height. 

"Yeah! You're right. Let's go!" Leo replied back with a worried tone. She was always so worried about her studies, yet she loved to goof off and be the bad child some days. We walked to class and that was just the perfect day! Until....

"Hey you, terrorist," the angry voice said,"What are you trying to do here? Bomb our school and kill us all?" I looked at him with confusion and looked behind my back.

"No, I am talking to you Muslim coward," he said without hesitation.

"Um. No. I am a normal human just like you all. You show, I cover. You got a problem with that?" I said in a I-Am-Ready-To-Fight tone. He looked back at me and didn't look scared. Only a grin on his face. 

"I got a gang," He said confidently.

"And..." I said not scared.

"I am stronger than you," He said. 

"NO! YOU ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO STRONG! YOU ARE THE WEAKEST OF THE WEAKEST!" The confidential superhero voice said. I looked behind my back to see who it was. It was Leo! Her hair was swinging in the wind. Her dress fluttering with the wind as well. A halo light shining. I couldn't believe that she came for me. Now that's called a friend. The boys ran away as quickly as they could and I just looked at the hero above my shoulder. 

"Thanks Leo!!" I screamed while giving her a hug.

"Yep! That's what friends are for!" She said. I walked back to class with a smile on my face and my heart lumping with thankfulness.

Asalaam Walakium Everyone! I hope you like this book so far. I think it is very meaningful with real-world problems that all people have to go through sadly. Remember to Vote, Comment, and SHARE!! God Bless you all! ;)

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