Being Blamed

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      I swear to myself that this had been the best school day ever since we moved. I felt that I was the special one that a superhero could come down and rescue me whenever I needed it. I was so glad I could actually be saved. After all me and Leo are starting to be great friends and all. Even though I could have a hero, I still need to look up to myself and stand up for myself to, but maybe for now Leo could be my guardian angel. I walked into my last class when intercom told my teacher that I needed to be seen in the principal's office. Now what. Did I do anything wrong? Do you think speaking up for myself is illegal here? Well whatever the issue may be, I hope that I am not in big trouble. I went out of the door and walked to the principal's office with a worried and hungry stomach. 

     I walked through the door and into the room. I looked around and saw that same boy who we fought with.

"Oh my Allah!" I murmured with a mad face. I wonder if he lied or told the truth.

"Ahh! Sakina, please take a seat," the principal said while looking at me. 

"So. Sakina, Justin here says you were bullying him on the way to class. Is this true?" she said while looking strait into my innocent eyes. 

"No! I would never do such a horrible thing. If you all want to take sides on who is bad and who is not, well I have a whole lecture about what has been going on for the past week. I have been trashed and bullied and tortured. I could describe  a thousand words about how I have been treated in this school and if I didn't tell you this then no one has ever thought this would ever happened. I talked to the counselor and she didn't do anything! I am discriminated at this school and no one cares about me and the only thing they care about is what I wear and my background story. Thus, this dude here had bullied me just 30 minutes ago and here he is in this very room lying and cheating about what something he has done! That is not fair. And also if Leo hadn't been there for me, I probably have been beaten up by them. You probably won't even believe me and that is your problem, so check on the hallway camera and then don't believe me. Now if you can excuse me, I will be leaving," I confidently said. This was horrible and dumb. I stepped out and walked to the bathroom and texted my mom.

Me: Salaam Mom. Can u pick me up?

Mom: Y?

Me: Pls, Pls!! It is serious

Mom: But u need to finish school

Me: Nooooooo!!! Now Pls!

Mom: This is the last time!

Me:Thx :)

  I walked slowly into my class and sat down. Right when I sat down the intercom when off. 

"Ms. Star?" The lady asked.

"Yes!" Ms. Star replied.

"Can we have Sakina Hashimi for checkout?" She continued.

"Yes, she is on her way!" Ms. Star replied. I took my book bag that was three tons and ran out of the door. I walked to my mom and we got out of the school, into the car, and on my way home with some bad news.

"Mom? I need to talk to you about school,".

AsalaamWailakium my readers! I hope everyone is doing GREAT! Comment below on what you think is going to happen! I need your opinions on how this book is so far so I can improve more to make this book AWESOME with YOUR help! Sakina is going through a lot! I hope she can make it because Allah will be with her the whole time! :) Make sure to vote, comment, and SHARE!!! Masalaama! 

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