Sorry for you

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Yes you put me on waiting list
Dont be too hard on yourself and dont be selfish
Other gossips and asking me about you
I can see sky which has no limits of dreams and fly between the sky so when you fall you dont hurt your wings so after rest you can fly
And i see what i was wanting for a long time and
I feel sorry for you
U were counting stars when the moon is willing
To be urs
Now u gone after stars
So moon has choosen his path dont dare to distract him
His journey is full of roller coaster but he has got experience from you and now this little distraction won't stop him to be in his final position
And dont cry now u get stars they were shining because of me u get ur lesson and life will taught other aswell
You took me as granted and I achieve my dreams and
The past doesn't bother me or make me
And I am ready to fly high

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