Shining stars

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Be like morning cold breeze which is pure
Be like honey which is without sugar
Lower your gaze beacuse its an act of respect
Tell me what i do with my fantasy world it doesn't let me sleep at night
I tried to hold my desires as i hold my tears
People who betray you, soon they will learn their lesson
You are high in your beauty, and don't listen to everybody and dont break your heart with temporary things and let go things which you Dont have control and don't except cheap things from people 
I miss looking at the morning sky which are full of dim stars
I tried to ignore my desires even if they present tell me how i escape from my nightmare they haunt me until to make sin
Oh my lord ! I slaunder myself imfront of you many times but my heart and brain betrayed with eachlother and i lost my connection with you
Tell me will seeking forgiveness will calm my guilt

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