How to get tickets? (Tips)

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Tickets are a HUGE mess and I'm sure we all know it. They can crash, stop, freeze. Kick you out and all sorts, so I wanted to tell you what would be the best to do if something like this happens because it is the WORST!~

First of all, before you even start logging on or counting down the minutes to release, you have to make sure you do the following steps, or else you could be in for some big trouble and I will tell you why!-

-first of all, make sure you have more than one device to get tickets on, it's usually really helpful! And if you have more than two or three or even more, use all of them! Use all the devices you possibly can, if you don't then you're just one person and you have a lower chance of getting tickets whilst you could have more accounts doing the same job for you and a higher chance of receiving tickets.

-make sure you're really early onto the website, and make sure you're constantly online and logged in, this is because if you log in when tickets are released, the server will be flooding with army so it's probably going to freak out and crash because of all the army trying to get in, make sure you're already in and your server is working well without any crashes!

-you must constantly refresh your pages because on countdown everyone else may be rushing to get tickets whilst you're still stuck there confused because you're page isn't doing anything. So make sure you constantly refresh or else you have a lower chance of receiving tickets!

-make sure you have fast and good WiFi! If you have this then you have a lower chance of crashing and a higher chance of getting chose for tickets!

-make sure you know where you want to sit because you cannot be thinking this through whilst getting the tickets. This is because you're usually under a timer so you cannot waste any time on thinking! You need to know! And you can't pick and choose so if you dump your first tickets then You're most likely not going to get any others!!

-a really good piece of advice is that if you're in a waiting room, you DO NOT want to refresh your page because if you've been in the waiting room for a while then you're most likely going to get chosen, but if you keep on refreshing then you join another, and you probably won't get the tickets if you do that. The only time you can refresh is when you're not in a waiting room or your waiting room crashes. It shouldn't do but that's only if it does!— you have to act fast army!

- also, it really helps if you already have your credit card information already filled out or you know exactly what it is because if you don't then your going to lose precious minutes/seconds that could really make a difference, plus your account might crash whilst putting in information so make sure you do that before the release.


If anyone has any more information they can give on this subject then please comment, I'm sure some of you have been to a concert before! Then if you have, help us newbies out a little!~

Oh, and also! I know many army will be in school when tickets are released so please don't get nervous, maybe show your parents this book and they might understand a little more, unless you've already told them or they know themselves..

I'm also in school and I have to count on just my mum and my dad, and those two can only use two devices so I'm a little worried because I think their underestimating it all a little, which scares me because I don't think they know about all the crashing and how fast tickets sell out...

Make sure your parents know what their doing just as much as you do, and if you can, do it at school on your phone, computer, a school computer, ask friends out to do it on their phones, and of course you can ask teachers if their willing to, They won't laugh or say anything about it, their teachers and their supposed to help you! so ask them to give you a hand if you can!

You never know, your teacher might be the one to get you tickets! 🤷‍♀️ it's probably already happened!~

Anyways... I think that's the end now! Thanks for reading this chapter!
Fighting army!


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