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We all have to take in to account safety because we all know who they are. That's right,



They can be a pain to deal with, so if you see one, either ignore them, or tell a member of staff. Don't ever get involved with them because it could end up with something big if you're not careful.

We all want to be safe here and I'm sure all of you would beat up anyone just to see those men, but calm down, you don't want to hurt anyone!
First of all... the safety in the line. The line can be a deadly place, VIPs pushing through with as much force as they can to get to the front, but sometimes you will just get the ones who wait or the people who will ask if they can go in front of you, and if you're a seated and a VIP is asking to get in front, you can let them in front if you want, their trying to get a seat whilst you're waiting to go to you're seat, the venue won't start without anyone in line so you can take your time if you want lining up!

We don't want to start any fights!~

Next part is if you have any illnesses or anything, like if you're claustrophobic, that can be a huge problem. If you have anything like this, or you feel like you might get sick make sure to bring someone with you because if anything happens and you're alone you won't have anyone there, however if you're lucky you might get kind army but it's best to bring an adult or someone you trust. Some sort of guardian.

People can get heat stroke in the venue too, so if you get it, tell someone right away or tell your guardian, and if you see anyone else, tell a member of staff or your guardian.

If you get anyone in the venue who's pushing and shoving, either politely ask them to stop or tell a guardian/member of staff. Because if you push back or do anything that is not polite, you might start something, and you don't want a slap at a concert do you? I don't think anyone does and I sure as heck don't what anyone getting hurt!

Also, if you're a VIP, do not go if you have any illnesses or you feel like you might pass out because it is mental down there! People will push, hit, kick and all sorts, plus it's really cramped so be careful, don't get hurt.

Also, I know this will be very hard to do but if BTS ever hands you anything during the venue, and an army starts a fight for it, just give it to them, I know it's hard but I'm sure you don't want to get beat up and the staff would probably kick you out as well because you would maybe look like you were joining in. I mean you don't want to risk it. However if you can, take it immediately and stiffly say "no" to everyone and hand it your guardian or put it somewhere safe where no one can take it from! You can always ask staff too!

So, if you see anything that you're not sure of, tell staff, or your guardian! And if you ever feel sick, dizzy, lightheaded, do the same, and if anything else happens, just stay safe! You don't want to get kicked out or get in trouble...

Please stay safe army!


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