Wait and See

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okay, this is for Vicky Stanwix. Hope you enjoy this, and i will put more parts up, because I don't like putting this up in one go! So anyway, vote and become a fan please!! :) 

nialls__nandos xxx

My name is Vicky Stanwix, and I am One Direction’s biggest fan. I know I know, you are all probably thinking everyone says that but I really believe that it’s true. So far I have been to one of their concerts, and it was amazing; that isn’t even an understatement! I must have been the luckiest girl alive, I had front row tickets AND Niall even winked at me. My friends all think I’m crazy, but one day I will meet him and he will fall in love with me. Just you wait and see.

*2 years later*

“Nialler stop it! I can’t be held responsible for your injuries!” I was curled up in a little ball on the floor tears streaming down my face letting out fits of laughter. The one thing I hate the most is being tickled.

“Aw, sorry love! Come here.” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, slowly making his way up to my lips. His lips brushed mine and then left; he was teasing me. He knew I couldn’t resist his kisses. I leaned in and put my arms around his neck, and passionately kissed him back.

It had been a year and a half since I had met Niall. I had been at a meet and greet when he had slipped his number into the CD I was getting signed; immediately I text him and we went out. It took him a while to realise that I desperately wanted to be his girlfriend, but he asked and of course I said yes. I mean; who wouldn’t?

I remember when I told my friends that one day he would fall in love with me. They didn’t believe me; well guess who’s laughing now?

You soon realise who are your real friends; I mean when I told my supposed best friend she just took me for granted and just used me to get to the boys. So I told her to get lost and to go find someone who would actually put up with her crap.

*Flash back a year and half*

“Mari; what the hell shall I wear to his meet and greet?” I sighed as I looked at the massive pile of clothes on my bed. I had nothing to wear, and I had to look perfect for this; if I wanted to grab Niall’s attention that is.

“Look Vicky, I have no idea why you need to look perfect. Niall is going to be looking at thousands of girls and no offence but it’s so unlikely he is going to notice you the most.” She gave me a look, and I knew she was probably right; Niall was going to be looking at thousands of girls; why would I be the one to catch his eye?

*At the meet and greet*

As we slowly edged forward in the queue I could feel my legs about to give way, I could see the boys about 10 girls ahead of me. I looked at my best friend Mari (pronounced marry; short for Marianna) and she looked like she was bored as hell. She only came with me because I had no one else to go with. “Lighten up! They will think that you don’t like them!” I nudged her and gave her a deadly serious look.

“I don’t like them… I only came with you so that you wouldn’t be lonely!” She nudged me back and then we stood there in silence, like we had for the past hour. I know she didn’t want to come with me, but she could at least have the decency to act like she is having a good time.

“Uhm… Hey?” A husky male voice snapped me out of what I was thinking; I look up and there right in front of me is Harry Styles. My eyes looked along the line and I could see Niall, looking at him in person made me even more tingly and excited than when I looked at pictures of him on twitter. I could see girls getting impatient with my slowness.

“H-hi; t-this isn’t h-happening!” I just wanted to scream my head off. I handed him my CD and he signed it for me. “Are we allowed to have a picture with you?” I was holding onto the hope the maybe we were allowed to have a picture with them.

“Sure!” He smiled and we took a picture together and a hug before I moved on to everyone else. Eventually I got to Niall, by now I was finding my cheeks start to hurt from so much smiling. But I couldn’t stop!

“Hey lovely, what’s your name?” He smiled and grabbed the pen that lay next to him. His beautiful blue eyes just glistened in the light, and his smile was so perfect, everything about him was just amazing.

“Uhm, Vicky…” I felt myself blush. I handed him my CD and whilst I was waiting I fumbled about getting my camera ready, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him slip something inside of the CD case; maybe it was just my imagination… I finally free my camera and I get my picture with Niall. I don’t think I have ever been that happy.

*A year and a half later*

As I snuggled down onto the sofa I could feel Niall’s eyes staring at me. I felt myself blush and buried my head in the cushion.

“Why are you hiding from me beautiful?” What I loved most about Niall is he didn’t call me ‘babe’; I know that it’s what most boys call their girlfriends, but Niall doesn’t use it, he said to me I’m worth more than just to be called babe. As I brought my head up out of the cushion he was smiling at me, with a slight smugness in his eyes.

“I don’t know, I just felt like it…” I let out a small giggle; then his strong arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed me. 

Wait and See (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now