Dragon Trapper

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Dragon Trapper: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Forgotten Dreamworks Character

{ Spoilers of course. Read at your own risk }

Literally the beginning of the movie:

(Scene opens at night, on a Dragon Trapper ship. Many dragons are locked in cages, while a Dragon Trapper patrols the area.)

Dragon Trapper: Quiet!

(Hiccup comes out of the fog wearing his dragon armor and lights up Inferno.)

Dragon Trapper: What are you?

Hiccup: Shh!

(Toothless climbs down a cage behind the Dragon Trapper, with the spines on his back glowing blue. The Trapper then attacks Hiccup, who accidentally knocks a lamp, causing the floor to burst in flames. Hiccup and Toothless come out of the fire unharmed, thanks to the fireproof dragon scales.)

Dragon Trapper: Aah! You're a demon!

Hiccup: Shhh! Shh, shh, shh! No, no! I'm not a demon! I'm not a demon! See? Just a guy! Just a guy, here to rescue these dragons, so...

Dragon Trapper: But you walked through fire!

Hiccup: Dragon scales! Dragons shed a lot.

Dragon Trapper: Ooh! I know a demon when I see one! No human legs are that skinny!

(Snotlout lands on a light up Hookfang behind the Trapper.)

Snotlout: Big action entrance! Get along with me! Aah!

(Snotlout's butt catches on fire and the boy runs away.)

Dragon Trapper: More demons? Far too much!

Hiccup: That's really just a little thing. He forgot to fireproof his butt.

(The Dragon Trapper tries to escape, but accidentally runs into the twins on Barf and Belch.)

Tuffnut: Gas! Now!

(The Zippleback creates a little explosion, which knocks down the Trapper, as the twins get off their dragon.)

Tuffnut: Behold, your worst nightmare...

Ruffnut: Behold -

Tuffnut: ...along with his sister who insisted on coming.

Ruffnut: That's my intro?

Hiccup: Guys! Too soon. You always come in too soon!

(Fishlegs lands on his back in front of Hiccup, slipping on the floor.)

Fishlegs: Sorry, I'm still getting the hang of my wings.

Hiccup: Fishlegs, again with the baby? This is a raid.

Fishlegs: I couldn't find a sitter.

(The Dragon Trapper gets scared of the Dragon Riders in armors and runs away.)

Dragon Trapper: Demons everywhere! It's the end of the world!

(Astrid jumps from a cage and pushes the Trapper against it, knocking him unconscious.)

Hiccup: Astrid! I had him right where I wanted him.

And that's our forgotten character! Give it up to him!

This film was the PERFECT trilogy to any film I have ever seen!

I mean so perfect that I literally kept on crying!

And when everyone in the entire theater saw Toothless' children, THEY ALL WENT "Awwwwww"! LITERALLY AND THE THEATER WAS PACKED!

And when everyone in the entire theater saw Toothless' children, THEY ALL WENT "Awwwwww"! LITERALLY AND THE THEATER WAS PACKED!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

My emotions!

Help me I'm feeling!

I love Hiccup's and Astrid's children who are named Zephyr & Nuffink, btw. So cute!

And Toothless's looks like killer whales!

And Toothless's looks like killer whales!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gosh just so perfect!

Dreamworks why you so good all of a sudden?

Well I'm done talking about this. See you in the next chapter!

Forgotten DreamworksNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ