Veinte Y Cautro

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Luke's POV

Its been about 30 minutes and we still havent found her. We've looked through the hotel, she not there. I can't believe I forgot our anniversary and ditched her for Rachel. Ash keeps telling me ever since I started talking to her I've been acting different. Not just with everyone with Ariana mostly. He says I've been ignoring her and I deny that. But, now that I think of it every time she would talk or try to kiss me I would ignore her. Oh my god! I'm such a horrible boyfriend. I know she's gonna end up breaking up with me. I fucked up so much this time. I know she

" I think I know where she is guys!" I practically yell. " There's this park a few blocks away. Whenever she was mad or sad she would go there. We need to find her!" I say running out of the hotel and to the park.

As soon as I got there, no one was there, only an old couple. So I decide to ask them.

" Have you seen a girl about yey tall with brown hair? She's really beautiful." I ask.

" Yes we did. I'm afraid she was taken to the hospital." she says.


" Do you know what happened?" I ask scared.

" Yes. She was swinging, jumped off and hit her head on a rock. Do you know her?" She asks.

" Actually yes, she's my girlfriend. Today was our anniversary and I was doing a surprise for her and made her think I forgot. Then when she got home she was with one of my best friends and I got upset and accused her of cheating." I say.

" Aw I'm sorry. What was your surprise?" She asks.

" I was going to ask her to marry me." I say.

" Oh my god. " She says. " You should get to the hospital now. Go see her. When she wakes up explain everything and when she gets out of the hospital take her out somewhere special and ask her to marry you. Everything will go great I promise." she says patting my back.

" Thank you. bye." I say running to the hospital.

This is all my fault. If I hadn't accused her of cheating this would have never happened. She wouldn't be in the hospital. She might not even forgive me this time, I've hurt her so much already. As I get to the hospital I dart in and up to the counter.

" Ariana Jones" I say to the lady." yes, she's in room 385. Go on up." she says.

I upstairs and into her room. I walk in and see a motionless Ariana lying in the hospital bed with so many IVs in her. This makes me so sad. To see her like this. Like I said this is all my fault. She had tear stains on her cheeks like she's been crying for ages.I walk up to her and sit in a chair. I grab her hand drawing circles with my thumb. I hate seeing her like this. I just want to be able to start this day over. I slowly start to drift off as I hold her hand.


" Luke?" Ariana asks waking up.

" Ariana! baby! Your awake. I'm so sorry for everything. Forgetting our anniversary was apart of my surprise." I say grabbing her hand and kissing it.

" It was?" She asks giving me a smiling face.

" Yes it was baby. And now I need to give you my surprise." I say kneeling down.

" Ariana Rose Jones Will you marry me?" I ask.

" No I'm sorry." She says looking away.

" What?!" I ask.

" I said no okay. I don't want to marry you Luke." she says.


That was all a dream?

I look over at Ariana and she's still asleep. I miss her so much.

I need her back.




How was that one?

Luke's gonna ask Ariana to marry him. Or maybe he wont.


Stay lovely

Love you all

- jasmine ©♥:-*

The End? ( Sequel to Amnesia )Where stories live. Discover now