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It was fun talking to my besties and Orton but I’m cool with him. “We are about to land so please turn off all electronics.” the fly attendant said. Me and Nicole sighed “You heard them. Talk to you all sometime. Rans you too.” Nicole said I simply smiled I sighed “Bye guys. Remember if people are hating” everyone joined In expect Orton of course “you’re doing something right.” We smiled a bit and wave “Oh Orton if you gonna by with us now remember that” I smiled at him politely and he returned it. We all finish up. I sighed and hold Nikki and get our stuff and left

“MOM WE ARE HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” Nicole said I block my ears from her loudness tapping her ears lightly but she ignored me and we entered. “Darlings” mom greet us we hugged and got settle in. we went to our shared bedroom and lay on our old beds nothing feels like home. “You know I’m really proud of you ?” Nicole asked I turned to face her my face was covered in curiousness “How?” I asked looking at her smiling

“The whole Rans thing and you two were so cool like wow. If it was me I would have been pointing forks at him” she said and I burst out laughing at her placing my pillow on my face “One we didn’t have pitch forks even if we did the rude attendant would have kicked us out and two I close my wounds we are good.” I smiled “I need to pitch fork someone.” Nikki seriously said I looked at her with my eyebrow curved in “How about Aksana?” I suggested she nodded eagerly we laugh and went back to our family after changing of course.


So basically after we left our rooms yesterday our family had a big reuniting lunch which was fun I missed them so much. That is an upside from not being with WWE we get to see our families way more. I must admit being away from WWE still hurts like hell but I’m coping. After yesterday talking to my group and Rans (yes I call him that now be jealous) made me feel a bit better but I still miss them and everyone else. “NIKKI HURRY UP BEFORE I OPEN ALL THE GIFTS WITHOUT YOUU !!!” Brianna shout out to me I rolled my eyes and enter our bedroom. I’m sure you asking why don’t you both just go home ?. Well first we are leaving today second we still have to open the gifts TOGETHER third we miss our family. “Do you really have to be that loud?” I rolled my eyes asking my twin who was sat on the floor knife in had watching the boxes. She looked up at me “I do if I call your deaf ass three times before. So yes, yes I do.” She replied to me. I just shook my head and walking taking a seat next to her. “So who are we opening first?” I asked Brianna she looked around humming a bit

“umm Triple H and Stephanie own?” she said more like asked I shrugged and nod. seem good to me.

“Might as well” I said


I took Steph and Hunter gift which was wrapped in a polka dot gift paper and cut the tape open with the knife. I pulled out a crystal swan which was absolutely gorgeous. Nicole and I both awed in amazement as it shined when it hit the sun “This is absolutely wonderful” I awed and handed it to Nicole who nod taking it in. we took turns opening our gift expect for own separate gifts

Dolp Nicole’s ex = a high deaf camera for me and Nikki a watch

Zack Ryder= two bubble heads of him -.-

Aj = a white converse for me and a black for Nikki

I smiled at AJ gift it was so her

Kaitlyn = two perfumes set I got the pink set and Nikki the red. They both smelled AMAZING

Tensai = A Miley cd (No surprise there.) and two Chinese plates.

Barbie and Eve = A glass set. Six in the pack. They glasses were gorgeous

The rest of the divas all put up and bought= Two Gucci purses which Nicole screamed over. I’m more of a simple girl so they got me a simpler one which I love

Big Show = Two pairs of gold earrings and two teddies awww

Dean = I got a blender while Nikki got pictures of both of them and a gold earring with NB in a heart surrounding it I awed

Alberto = Two boxes of chocolate, two bottles of the finest whine and two pairs of diamond earrings

Wade = I got the bigger more glam diamond studded watch than Nicole since me and him were closer hers was nice too and she understood why.

 “These gifts so far are crazy good” Nicole told me I nodded agreeing with her. We saved the best gifts from our favorite people for last.

Maryse = Me three cute tops which I loved and two pairs of boots she knows how much I love boots. I love that girl. Nikki got three dresses which were amazing of course and to designer pairs of heels which she screamed over. The both of us both got gold bracelets engraved on it ‘triple the trouble’ and in the back ‘love you always’ but mine had a tree which represent my love for outdoors an nicole’s a whine bottle I think you know why.

We place ours on our hands and smile at it “I’ll never take this off of my hand never.” I said running my index finger over the words smiling. I looked at Nicole who was holding it to her heart tearing up a bit “Same here.” she finally spoke.

Stephen = two pictures of himself both have written in the back ain’t he handsome ? we shook our head laughs only sheamus. He also gave us two ipads and two chains. Mine had dates each one I remember and smiled at special to both of us and mr.bean mark on it and in the back a skittles and m&m’s on it I laughed at that. Nicole’s also had dates but different from mine of course and in the back a pair of eyes in a heart which confuse her but I got what it mean. It also had you’re a girl on it talking about how they met.

“What does the eyes in the heart means ?” Nicole asked me

“Ask Stephen next time you see him.” I slyly said smirking. She narrowed her eyes at me before deciding to just drop it. “All these gifts are so epic ! I love them all I can’t believe they spend that much on us !” Nicole said. I look at her with the same amazed expression “It is like you took the words from my mouth wow just wow. I mean ipads!” I shockingly said

“I KNOW RIGHT !!” Nicole replied with just as much excitement. We put on each other chains on each other.

“Maryse clothes I think I’ll wear out mine” Nikki continued and I nod frantically agreeing with her so much

“AND DIAMOND EARRINGS AND WATCHES FROM ALBERTO AND BARRET WOW!!!”  I joined in just with so much excitement

“I love those guys way too much” Nikki said and I nod again.

“Paul aka big show gifts the earring I love ‘em and the teddy aww I’ll name mine bigonce” I laughed to end and Nicole joined in to 

“ you are ridiculous I’ll name mine showyonce” Nikki said and we burst out laughing

“Yeah I’m the ridiculous one.” I said sarcasmis strong in my voice. She rolled her eyes and we rest and put away our stuff and went outside and called our family to see our gifts. Oh I almost forget the WWE board and creative team gave us hammers and a free gym access for all states and few other countries which was great! And the other superstars well…………. some decided gave us two high deaf gsp systems were we can stick in our car and it’ll tell us everything which I found some amazing and very useful. We also got cards with each gift which we save of course I laugh at Barrets and Maryse own the most.

The next day I just lay in my bed in my house thinking how lucky I am to have friends like I do. Then like the say after all the good bad is soon to follow will that is true. I found myself thinking that I may never ever see them again or how limited I will see them and we will never be as close as we were before which will lead to us not talking or only saying hi. I immediately tear at the bear thought “I can’t lose my friends I just can’t !!” I screamed into my pillow.

( What was your favorite gift?"

HATE TO LOVE (BRIE BELLA + RANDY ORTON)Where stories live. Discover now