not a good player

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Nikki’s pov

I sat on the roof of the hotel on a chair alongside Brie. I must say something about her is different…………… but I don’t know what yet! Key word yet. “Brianna what is up with you? You are acting different lately?’’ I knew it was a lost case to ask but I still had some hope of her telling me, with me being her twin and all. She looked over at me as a small smile played on her lips “Nothing.’’ She said in a cheery tone. She doesn’t know that this her is scaring me. The only time she was this nice was when she fell in love Drew and the time she was acting all nice because she killed my hamster. She can’t be in love she would have told us….OMG SHE MAYBE KILLED BRYAN OR ASKANA OR BOTH! I freak out mentally. Although killing them won’t be so bad…..especially Askana- bad Nikki crime is bad no matter whom. I told myself before I got carried away. I lean into my sister’s ear “Did you kill someone. And did those this someone happen to be Bryan or Askana?’’ I asked, I would have said Orton but he is up here by the bar behind us talking to Stephen. Brie began laughing like crazy. “Nope, I didn’t kill anyone. Can’t I just be happy?’’ she asked me raising her sunglasses fixing it on the top of her head. No, I replied to myself “Sure, I was wrong.’’ I looked away making a face so she won’t see it. “Hey girls, we brought you drinks.’’ Stephen said handing me a drink while Orton scowl handing Brie hers. “Did I really have to give her a drink?’’ he asked displeased, Stephen nod ordering his best friend to give my sister a drink “Why? Afraid it would to obvious you drugged it?’’ she fired back as he got a smirk on his face looking at her. “Nope, I won’t kill you that easily. If I was to, it would be slow and torturous.’’ He replied to her. She inhaled deeply and loudly looking away as Orton smiled proudly. “Over our dead body you will kill her.’’ I said glaring at Orton. He laughed and walked off. Maybe Brie was right he is a dick. I don’t like him anymore. “Well I had enough, bye.’’ Brie left so quickly I couldn’t even beg her to stay. I turned my gaze to be boyfriend furious “See what you did? We were having a lovely time until you brought your dick best-friend.’’ I said and Sheamus open his mouth unable to say anything. His whole outlook was ‘what did I do? kind of thing’ it drove me insane.

Brie’s pov

I was walking to the elevator to go to my room where I’m sure Orton is. When it opened Maryse walked out in a blue fitting summer dress. “Wohoo, calm down on the sexy.’’ I told her as we laughed and hug each other pulling away. “I thought you were suppose too be with Nicole now? Why are you leaving already?’’ she asked brushing a strand of my hair behind my ears. “Yeah but that fool Orton annoyed me so I need to be alone.’’ I lied very well I must say. Maryse seemed to understand so she nod and wave walking off. I sighed in relief as I enter the lift. Up there I couldn’t help but get a smile when Orton said it would be slow and torturous, I knew exactly want he meant and with that smirk on his face I could have jump on him right there.

I walked out of the lift and walked to my room entering it. Orton laid on the bed watching with that smirk of his. “I guess you aren’t a very good player. If you didn’t turn away from them they would have saw how bad you wanted me right there and the-,’’ I cut him off from his self praising story by smashing my lips against his as my hands roam under his shirt. He held my by waist and I was basically sitting on him. “Don’t be too sure yet babe. I already have plans for you.’’ I said before deepening the kiss making him groan and I felt him getting hard. I got off him walking backwards smirking. “Not so confident now, huh?’’ I said as I turn around and left him there. I heard him hit something as I chuckled and went back to my friends catching up with Wade on the way.

I did not expect Roman to be there though. Oh shit is going to go down. I walk up to my friend smiling. “Hey Brianna,’’ Roman waved as I smiled at him. “So, I don’t know who punch me but when the lights return you won’t there so I got worried. Were you okay that night?’’ he asked sincerely. Wait if he was so concerned why didn’t come and look for me? I just smile and nod. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit too scared to stay so I left, sorry.’’ I apologized he smiled and got up wrapping his big arms around my waist. As much as I don’t like him like that and love Orton he could be a vital part in this game, Orton and I are playing with each other so I just allowed him smiling. “It is okay.’’ He spoke to me softly. I saw my friends all watch each other with this look on their faces “You go girl!’’ Nicole said as Roman and I laugh. I hugged him before sitting by Alberto poking him in his ear. “Maryse told us, are you better now?’’ Alberto asked as I smiled and nod hugging him in a friendly way. “Told you.’’ April said as we hang out for hours. I miss my baby Orton though and Roman is annoying me.

(Ugh so short but it is test time next week it would be long and crazy. Do you guys like the cover picture of the story? Would you mine if I change it? 

Oh and I have a next Brandy book coming out. I think some may like it more than this one. When do think I shall post the new book?)

HATE TO LOVE (BRIE BELLA + RANDY ORTON)Where stories live. Discover now