Will you be mine?

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Nikki pov

I woke up smiling and all happy and crap. I turned onto Stephen “Wake up.’’ I looked at him tracing his abs with my finger. He smiled and pretended to be asleep. “If you think I’ll continue doing this while you pretend to sleep you are lying to yourself. Plus there are more interesting things do when you are up.’’ I whispered in his ear nibbling on it a bit. He flew up and wrap his arms around me I laughed and rolled off of him. “I don’t do guys who I am not with unless I am in Vegas and really drunk. So fix that if you want any.’’ I said backing out of the room closing the door for effect heading into the bathroom.

So when I was done brushing my teeth, showering, using the toilet, shaving etc. I walked back into my bedroom got some clothes and change. I notice Stephen wasn’t there I shrugged and look in the mirror fixing my hair into a high ponytail. Then I walked out and was greeted with breakfast for lunch since we woke up after twelve anyway. “Mhmm smells good.’’ I said walking up to him. He turned around and chased me. Telling me to sit at the table. I nod and went to sit waiting for my breakfast. “Will you hurry? I’m starving!’’ I groaned rubbing my belly. I can him chuckling “Hold on a master chief takes time.’’ He commented I huffed and roll my eyes smiling.

Three minutes after he served us breakfast. Pancakes and bacon but on the pancake had written on it ‘Will you be mine’ I awed and was about to answer but a loud continuous knock came from our door. I groaned and open it to see Maryse, Alberto, Wade and Brianna there. “I’m busy-,” I was cut off by them walking in. I threw my hands in the air frustrated but those are my friend and sisters. “Oh breakfast for lunch how sweet. What did you make?” Wade asked walking up to my plate and seeing my pancake. “WAIT YOU ASK HER TO BE YOURS WITHOUT US!?” he called out the others eyes widen and looked at us wide mouthed. I closed my eyes rubbing my face. “I texted you guys to come don’t try that.’’ Sheamus said. I watched him brows together shocked as to why he would that. As if he was reading my mind he answered “I promise the guys there will be there when I asked you. I can’t break a promise. Sorry.’’ He did his cute little smile which I can’t resist I stop fighting the smile I was trying to hold back and let it be. “Ughh you are so cute. Fine” I dragged out and they all smiled. Sheamus came and hug me lifting me up. “You didn’t answer me question.’’ He said in his Irish accent I giggled a bit “I don’t think you need one since you already know my answer. But I tell you. “Yes I will be yours.’’ I said kissing him passionately. They grouped awed but we continue and ignored them until Maryse break us apart. “Stop it let us eat. Here take your special pancake.” She hand me the pancake with the writing on it. I watch as Brie sat on Wade while they eat Sheamus’ food and Alberto and Maryse took ours. “Café?” I asked he grabbed his wallet and keys. “Always one step ahead. I reserved a seat for us at Sunny’s. Let us go.’’ I nod and sneaked out.

(A\N i like KFC )

HATE TO LOVE (BRIE BELLA + RANDY ORTON)Where stories live. Discover now