Part 3

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You, Susie and Lancer we're having fun with "the Clowns". You were mainly parenting Lancer to make sure they don't kill Ralsei and Kris.
You were walking with Susie and Lancer to go to a log. It was filled with salsa for some reason.
"Lancer, what is this?" Susie asked. You could say the same thing. It was filled with sauce but Lancer seemed proud of it for whatever reason.
"It has salsa! What's not to make it better?! hohoho only evil villains do this!" He exclaimed. Lancer you innocent child. You are truly adorable and could cause no ha- wait didn't he basically explode Ralsei? Eh, he doesn't seem to care.
"It's still good Susie. Who wants to go walk in the forest. We can think of evil plans better." I suggested. In reality you just wanted to walk around to see more of the dark world. They both nodded and stood up.
After walking around you all find a tree that had 3 dark candies on it. It was the perfect amount and you never had any before here, or ever to be exact.
"Guys look some dark candy! Wanna get some?" Lancer asked us. Lancer was hyper enough already but hey, he's adorable so who could say no? Susie looked at you guys like she was questioning life.
"Dude, how are you gonna get up there? There's no way anyone could reach those unless you volunteer to be thrown." Susie explained. Lancer looked down in disappointment.
"Hey Susie, I have an idea." You said, "Ill just...climb the tree and get them."
"Whatever you say,(Y/N) but if you fall have fun with a bro- they're already up there aren't they?"
You proceeded to climb the branches. You already had two, just to get the last one. You climbed more and more till finally you reach for the last one....
You got it. I have no clue how you didn't fall. You start climbing down.
"Susie, Lancer I got them! Now I just need to climb down." You hear distant whispering but you have no clue what any of them are saying. Susie and Lancer didn't respond to your yell so it had to be them.
Then you heard the sound of feet walking away...far...farther... yet farther.
'Are they...abandoning me? I thought we were a team? Why would they do this? I knew it, Susie never liked me and this was all an act. Now she's gonna get Lancer to stab me in the back.' You were almost to the bottom. You held in tears the whole time.
Once you reached the bottom you sat under the tree. You didn't really know where you were, how you got in a different world, and why this was under a closet. Didn't someone check the closet? Whatever that school was kinda low quality.
A couple minutes after thinking you drifted off into a sleep under the tree. The ground was really soft and Susie probably just ran away with lancer so why not? If you get taken away, oh well.

You finally wake up. You took a few minutes to remember what happened until you realize, you fell asleep under a tree and not in someone's arms.
"W-who are you?!" You exclaimed. You couldn't see anyone really and the hands holding you were... blue? It could just be the lighting. Unless someone made Kris hold you, but you're most likely heavier than him, but he's basically a stick, so probably not.
"Dude calm down. It's just us (Y/N), Me, Kris, Ralsei, And Lancer." ...Me, Kris, Ralsei, And Lancer... Is Susie holding you? Or is there someone else and Susies dead?
" guys know I can walk by myself now right?" You asked. Susie could set you down if she wanted to. Falling asleep isn't uncommon.
"Didn't you fall out of the tree?" Susie asked. No the frick you didn't. ",You might have a concussion and you can't walk by yourself, you might fall." Ralsei said. You just laughed.
"Haha oh my god, I fell asleep under the tree guys. I didn't fall." You explained. "You and Lancer ran off without me and I didn't know what to do in fear of being lost so I sat under the tree and waited." After you said that Susie just stayed silent. What were they doing anyways?
"Where are we right now?" You asked. It didn't look familiar. The ground was a scarlet color and Lancer wasn't walking near the trees instead of near us.
"We're almost at the castle. You guys are almost home. All we have to do is... fight the king..." Ralsei hesitated. Lancer was technically prince of the dark world, and his father, the king, let power get to his head most of the time, so Lancer runs out to see seam the shopkeeper or hang out with Ruddins because if they don't they either get killed or thrown in jail. The Ruddins always cared for him but thought he was a bit annoying. And "lesser dad" who ever he is
"Hey susie, you can drop me now..." you whispered awkwardly. Susie, now flustered, dropped you gently...kinda. You still landed on your feet so you didn't die, which is good hopefully if you aren't a horrible person.
"Well, here we are... Card Castle." Ralsei said. He took a deep breath. Lancer also looked scared. He didn't want to loose anyone either.
"I'm...I'm sorry guys. I-I have to go." Lancer said. And started running to the castle. "Lancer!" Susie trying to call out for him to come back was of no use. We only heard him scream out I'm sorry once and we heard a door slam. We caught up to the door but has soon as we did, Ruddins and Hathys guarded the doors and dragged us to a dungeon.

To be continued

Theres always tomorrow. Susie x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang