Part 5

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The battle started. The king continued to fight and tell why he hates lightners. We tried to talk to him, reason with him but he would refuse.
Suddenly he stopped.
" enough. I see... I see that I can not defeat you. I have grown exhausted from our long battle." The king sat on the ground and his cape flew away. He looked down at the floor sadly like a guilty puppy would do.
"Lightners...I... Perhaps I have been too cruel. The truth is, I have not always been this way. There once was a time... where Darkners and Lightners lived in harmony. A time where Darkners could fulfill their purposes in peace... it would be a lie to say that I, not yearn for those days."
He sadly smiled then a sound like his heart may have cracked was heard. You all remained silent with your weapons still out, he could turn his back any moment.
"...Perhaps...Perhaps you young ones are right. Please let us put away our weapons. There must be a peaceful solution to all of this."
Everyone put away their weapons. Kris put down his sword and back into his holder. You put down your weapon. Ralsei let his scarf fall. Ralsei must just furiously hit them if he wanted to attack but he doesn't. Susie still has her axe in hand. "Come now, Susie!" Ralsei whisper-yelled. Susie reluctantly put her axe back into its holder (let's pretend ok? Idk where Kris and Susies weapons magically disappear :,) ). Everyone then walked up a bit towards the king. Ralsei mainly in front.
"I'm glad you're starting to realize, Mr.King. None of us really want to fight. If you can just tell us about your worries... I'm sure we can all be friends, Mr. King!" Ralsei said with his energetic encouraging voice. (Aw so cute :) )
"Y-Yes..."Friends..."...That sounds...lovely." The sound of heartbreak was heard again. The king coughed.
"My apologies, I am not used to...fighting like that... My body is... getting weak..."
"Oh, Don't say another word!" Ralsei said. He walked up to the king and casted his Heal Prayer.
"Ralsei...what are you doing....?!" You whispered to yourself. You're 50/50 right now. You sorta trust him but the other half is, he's gonna throw us off the ledge.
"There, You should be all healed up! How do you feel...?" Ralsei asked. He sounds more like a caring old lady or Toriel, Kris' mother.
"L...let's see..." He said. what what does that mea- all four of you were hit by 2 lines of spades. One line for Ralsei, and the other one for you, Kris and Susie. The king stood up with a smile on his face. "Never better."
You kris and Susie got up but you 3 were kneeled down like you guys had low health.
"Y...You...!"  Susie started. The king summoned 3 spades like before and placed them infront of Susie.
"Did I say you could get up?" The spades flew at Susie about to hit her.You crawled in front of Susie and Kris slid in front of all three of you, blocking the spades with his shield.
Susie was then struck by more spades. You felt to weak to do much but just sit in front of Susie and behind Kris. Ralsei was hit near the edge not getting up. Either he was to scared to, helpless, or he was...probably dead. But maybe not. He had full health before the king struck him.
"Oh, spare me the heroics." He hit you and Kris with 3 spades (again) to the hallway before you guys got to the battle. The king walked up to you two slowly. At this point you just wanted to die. It hurt too much to breathe because of your low health and how many times he hit you.
"You... You two are the leaders, aren't you?"
Just because we are humans doesn't mean we are the leaders, Kris is the leader. well yeah, kinda you too but, that's only because humans can do...something??? I don't know, Ralsei said something about it.
"Well actua..." You caught yourself before speaking. You could get yourself and Kris killed, and god knows how much you would hate yourself for killing Kris.
"So what's your plan? To laugh has you cast us back into obscurity? You two can't even say...?" He sat down again on his knees like before Ralsei casted the Healing Prayer.
"Young ones...Let me tell you two a secret,"He grabbed you two with both hands, Summoning the spades from before. ",Quiet people PISS ME OFF."
You and Kris heard a strike and you two were dropped from the king.
"Hey. Get away. From. My. Friend." Susie said. "Friend?" Is she referring to you or Kris? Maybe she just didn't see you from her point of view.
"Heh heh heh heh... OR WHAT? You'll KILL me?"   What did you JUST SAY BEFORE BATTLE? And what did Ralsei say BEFORE HEALING YOU? we don't wanna kill you because Lancer doesn't want us to.
The king walked up a bit to Susie. "So what's your plan then...? To TALK me to death...? You stupid, Stupid, Lightner. You honestly think you have convince me NOT to kill you?" Yup, theres the three spades again.
"Nah. But THEY might."
Suddenly Ruddins and Hathys come rushing in each is a row of 4. Also in a pattern. They run in so fast that they push you and Kris next to Susie. They picked up the king and threw him on top of the group. Lancer was also being picked up by the guards but he honestly looked like he was having a good time.
"L...Lancer!? E...Everyone!? WHAT is the meaning of this!?"
"Sorry, dad! You're being overthrown! When I told everyone you were fighting the Lightners... Everyone remembered how kind they were! They decided that they rather have a king... That accepts them! Me! Now I'm the dad!"
Lancer that's not how that works...
"Yikes, I think someone needs a time out! Go to your room, Dad!!!"
The guards ran out of the room with the king and Lancer. Now with a new king.
"Y'alright Kris and (Y/N)?" Susie asked. You both nodded.
"Kris...! (Y/N)...! Susie...! Oh, you're alright." Ralsei ran over.
"If anything, are you alright? You didn't stand up the entire time the king was being dragged away or attempting to kill me and Kris." You asked.
"Yeah.. I didn't know what to do... Kris...(Y/N)... I'm sorry. If i didn't heal the two wouldn't have almost got killed..." Ralsei said sadly. Kris walked up to him very slowly. Kris extended his hands... then he...
Obviously hugged Ralsei! Of course Kris wouldn't kill Ralsei. He's not insane...right?
You smiled. "It's ok Ralsei."
"Well you guys have to go home right?" Ralsei asked. You sighed. Yeah you guess you do. You wish you could stay down here together with Kris and Susie but Susie has to get home and Toriel would be worried about Kris. As for you, you go to Kris' house a lot and your people at home would go crazy to find 3 students got lost in a supply closet.
"Yeah I guess..." Susie said. She sounded disappointed. It sounded like all three of you wanted to stay. You all started walking to the exit.
"Wait guys before you go!" Ralsei said while taking off his hat and covering his face quietly mumbling into it. You swore you saw small white hands poke out but you three couldn't see Ralsei.
"Dude, move your hat. We can barely hear you." Susie said. Ralsei complied and moved his hat reavealing a white goat with green glasses and pink blush. If he didn't specify he was a prince, you would have thought he was a female. Susie stepped back in surprise and you just stared in shock. Kris....just stood.
"I hope we can all meet again! I'll make some cakes next time!" Ralsei said.
"Uhh...yeah sure....?" Susie said confusedly. Well it was more of a question.
"Susie kris is sorry I live here now. You can't stop me." You joked and stayed with Ralsei. Susie walked up to you and took your leg.
"Come on (Y/N) we gotta go!"
"No I live here now Susie!" You yelled but stood up before she could kill you.
"Goodbye guys." Ralsei said. You hugged him.
"We'll come back soon." You said. He nodded and waved.
You three got into the fountain and went back to the world above.

You three woke up in a room. A small room with a cabinet, spilt playing cards, a purple cat plush, a board game and multiple other things.
"W-was that a dream?" You asked. Susie and Kris shrugged. "Well if it was, we had the same dream." You nodded and all of you left the room and into the school hallway.
"Bye Kris. Let's go back there tomorrow alright?" Susie asked. Kris nodded and left the school leaving just you and Susie.
"Hey, (Y/N)...Y'know how I only mentioned one friend back when that crazy spade king tried to kill you and Kris?" Susie asked. You nodded.
"Well that's're not my friend...I feel different about you, more than a friend." You tilted your head in confusion.
"Maybe this will show you." Susie kissed you on the head. You were honestly so confused at all this.
Susie waved. "Well, see ya' tomorrow." She smiled and walked off with her hands in her pockets.
"Susie wait." You called out. She stopped and faced you. You walked up to her and hugged her.
"Thank you. You really saved us back there." You said. You let go. "Bye Susie. We can go back tomorrow." You said. She smiled once again and made her way out.

"There's always tomorrow."

The end.

Theres always tomorrow. Susie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now