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Ally's POV
We finally arrived at our destination and it wasn't the house I grew up in.

Sadie- Ace went full on evil. So everyone that was in his gang joined Axle. This is Axels gang house. Our home. Your new home. Alright.

I nodded.

Sadie- I swear. Did we kill the douche that cut out your vocal cords?

I was remembering the battlefield and people that I saw die. Then I remembered the face who did cut out my vocal cords. It was ace.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing went out. I nodded. She looked at me sad.

I looked down. Last time I got a sad look I was betrayed by that person. It probably doesn't make sense but it's how I feel.

Damn. How am I going to vent? I looked up. They parked the car. I opened the door. I was still wearing the vest as was Sadie and everyone. I took Toby for her so she could get out.

Sadie- we have a rule if we are wearing vest. Don't take them off until they make sure it's clear.

I nodded. I held Toby a little closer to me. I smiled at him. He's so adorable.

In about six months I'll be brining in a little baby. Oh. I still have to tell axel. I looked up. He was staring at Toby. Smiling.

I looked down at Toby. He is a week old and has a full head of hair. That was how he was born

I gently swiped some of the hair away from his eyes. He giggled at me. I smiled. He grabbed my index finger and held it tightly. I shook my head in happiness.

If I can't laugh or chuckle or say your a cutie then I will find some quiet way to express my emotions.

Sadie- you are so going to make a good mom.

I jumped a little. She sorta frightened me. I just shrugged as an maybe or yes.

Sadie- what's that mean.

I smiled. I did an okay symbol or maybe symbol in sign language. She threw her head back and laughed. Axel was still looking at Toby.

Cole stood next to Sadie. Looking at me and Toby. He was still holding my finger. His hair blew back in his eyes and brushed it out. I handed him back to Sadie.

Sadie- your good with babies.

I just did a shrug. She looked a little sad.

Sadie- what about our bathroom conversations.

I said 'We'll still have them. We'll find a way for me to talk.' In sign language.

Sadie- that was way to fast Asta

I forgot that was my name.

Cold- she said. We'll still have them. We'll find a way for me to talk.

Sadie- we better. Those are the best conversations.

I was expecting to hear my chuckle but I only heard silence. I looked down sadly.

Axel was beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I leaned into his side more. Soon, there was no space between us. He held my waist tightly.

Sadie- finally. These vests are getting on my nerves.

She handed me Toby. Cole chuckled and took his vest off while Sadie fumbled with the straps groaning in frustration every few second. I brushed more hair away from Toby's eyes.

This kiddo will have to have daily hair cuts unless he plans on moving his hair away from is eyes.

Sadie- Toby likes you better than me.

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