chapter 2

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A.J's pov

I woke up still a bit sleepy . I sat up and look for my phone beside the night light to read the time. It read 6 o'clock in the morning . I place my phone back beside the night light and decided to roll back to sleep when my phone beep.which mean I recieve a message . I groaned a bit and took my phone back. I look at the message it was Big Mac saying to be early on my first day of school .

I smiled a bit on how supportive my brother was to me. If he was just a girl he would've been like a mom to me..well my mom is technically dead..but, well ..even if shes here i doubt she'll be this supportive of me. I started typing a 'thank you' to him then started to get up.

"Guess I'll be early today " I said to no one in particular.

I got out off the shower 30 minutes after . I walk to my closet and took a light blue jeans and a yellowish light brown crop top . I wore my black boot and pull my back pack and started heading to the kitchen .

I open the fridge.well theres not much in there just a couple of apples and stuff. I took one apple then took a big bite on it before heading to the door and closing it. I walk to my car and get in . I take out my phone to look at the time it reads 7:15. I put my phone inside my bag then drive to my new school it was about 20 minutes ride from my place. I arrive at school and as soon as i get in I started looking for the principal office to get my schedule. All the way to the principal office was quick trip and i got my schedule quick so I was able to go look for my class with a lot more time. I got in my first subject, it was english. Well im not that bad with english so i guess it wont be that bad ... I hope. I open the door and walk to the teacher to tell her i just transfered and all that.after explaining the teacher stand up and motion towards me.

"Okay class quiet down.we have a new transferre here her names is Apple ja..."

"APPLE JACK !" Me and the teacher beside me was startled by the loud voice. I look at where the sound came from. I saw a girl with pink hair with lots of ribbons on the hair. Like really 'lot's' of ribbon in the hair.her hair was a real mess like 'what the fuck' add up to that her hair was real curly and was put into a pony her hair look like an eagles nest -_- . I stop my thoughts when I realize who it was ! It was pinki pie one of my bestfriend . As soon as I realize that it was pinkie pie I look around the whole class to see if the others and that girl is here .

After a minute of looking around I didnt see them.

"So it only pinkie here.huh?" I said to myself. As soon as I thought that I let out a deep sigh of relief before saying hi and smile to pinkie. She was like real excited to see me again. Well Im also excited to see her too . I fastly finish my introduction and as soon as that finish the teacher let me sit on an empty seat next to pinkie. cause I dont know anyone else here so she let me be with my one friend I recognize for comfort. I walk towards the empty seat next to pinkie then as soon as I finish putting my stuff pinkie literally jump at me and hug me tight the class look but didnt bother any further and continue listening to the lesson.

"Hey aj how have you been !? Did you miss me !? Are you dating someone right now !? Why are you here !? Why ..." I covered pinkies mouth to stop her from talking cause she was like yelling while talking real fast. howd she do that ?! The teacher cleared her throat and then continue her lesson not bothering if were talking. Me and pinkie that is. As long as we dont bother the other student its ok .

I chuckle silently but still could be heard. Then answered pinkie slowly.

"Firstly pinkie I've been fine. and yes I've miss you too like a lot and our other friend like so much. and no im not dating anyone. too busy for that. you know family bussiness busy type. And im here because of a family bussiness and will be here for months or a year or so not too sure. As soon as im finished with work I'll go back to abroad and finish my degree ." I said in one breath. pinkie was about to say something but I cut her off .

"And yeah its a bit sad that I'll only be with all of you for a few months or a year .." I stop then look at pinkie to let her say whats on her mind.

"Ohhh~ so you mean you're not dating anyone? Why is that ?? Are you waiting for someone to come or something?" pinkie said with a serious look on her face. I look at her like she was crazy for only bothering about the 'not having a boyfriend part'. I just cant help but let out a laugh the whole class looked at me but look away again to continue discussing .

Pinkie look a bit confuse so I decided to stop and help her understand why I'm laughing.

"Hahahaha classic pinkie !! You really didn't change ! Not even one bit ! Your the same cute,smart but dense at the same pinkie I cant believe your just like how I left . If it didnt pass 4 year I would have never though I've been gone that long ..haha" I said in between laughs.

"Hey !! I dont know if i should take that as a compliment or an insult !!"pinkie said trying to act like shes serious, but failed then burst out laughing .

"Miss apple ..would you mind heading outside the class early today ? And also mind bringing pinkie pie with you" the teacher said trying to act calm and gave as a crook smile .me and pinkie look at each other then stand up laughing hard while pulling our bag with us leaving the classroom .


We headed to our next class 5 minutes early.

'Nothing really did change..maybe even my feelings also didnt ..' I said to myself 'BUT, even so I should forget about it, cause it cant happen ,NO it shouldnt happen !!' I yelled to myself . The smile on my face was quickly replace by a frown. pinkie quickly notice and had a worried look on her face.

"Hey aj why are you sad all of a sudden ??" Pinkie ask still having that worried look on her face .

"Haha its nothing.. just thinking bout being only able to spend a few months or a year with you all then go back to abroad made me a feel a bit sad.." I said half truth. well it wasnt a complete lie because yeah I will be sad being gone again leaving my friends and my home town especially my memories here with all of them but I had no choice it was already decided.

"Then why dont you just.."

"No ..I cant " I said a bit unsure if I should tell her about this deepest secret and one of my reason why i need to move away .

"Wha? What do you mean.." pinkie was going to ask me when I suddenly bump to someone...

I landed straight to my butt.

"Huh? Im sorry ..?" I said .then look at the person i just bump into .trying to adjust my sight .

"Oh..hey sorry bout that ..oh ,aj?" The girl eyes was starting to recognize her .smooth rainbow hair, a bit rusty voice, and also has an atheletic looking soon as I realize that my eyes widen and without hesitation i quickly jump back up to my feet . before I could think about anything else my mouth just said something before my brain could even process one.

"RD ..?"


Hey how have I been doing so far ?? Thanks for reading ch.1 how was it how you could give a few advice :)

Here's you're chapter 2. Soon the chapter 3 will be done and as soon I could come back to the internet cafe I'll post it :) Hope you enjoy ch.2~

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